ummm quiz?

Nov 23, 2009 17:59

♣ Leave me a comment saying: ''I love chubby cheeks and baby face <3''

♣ I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better!

♣ Update your journal with the answers to the questions.

♣ Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.

I was asked by the active foxhana :P (btw, i'm adding you girl, whether you want it or not):


Definitely NEWS. I started with KAT-TUN, but I no longer pay much attention to them... Sorry guys... My sister updates me with anything interesting about them though, so I'm not completely cut out from this fandom.

2. WHy to the above question ^^

Why not KAT-TUN? Because I don't like their style of 'trying to be/look cool'. And the people I like, Taguchi, Koki and Maru, aren't very interesting to me.

Why NEWS? They don't have such embarrassing PVs as KAT-TUN :P They don't seem to try that hard and as a whole, as Ryo once said, 'are fresh'! And fresh is good. Aaand I like most of them as characters :)

3. why don't you like red roses? O_o

It seems overly romantic to me. Like boys giving girls flowers... I just don't like it. But I love flowers in general :) And I adore white roses!

4. How did you get into NEWS?

I don't really remember. I think I liked Koyama in the beginning but then switched to Kato-san. Koyama wasn't exactly, ahem, my type. Though i still think he is cute and funny and sweet. So I proudly support Kei-chan!
On a different note, I learned of JE because I stumbled on a picture of Ryo...

5. favorite in NEWS! and why~

My fav handsome lad from NEWS is Shige :)
Ah why....
I guess mostly because I feel like I know, understand and like what I find about him the most. And this is possible because of his journal and his essays. Magazine interviews don't cut it, as I don't care whether he likes green or yellow, or prefers girls with buns- all this isn't very personal. On the other hand, he gives so much information on himself in his writing, including his beliefs, way of thinking and mundane epiphanies that in the end I feel as if I've met and talked with him.
Another reason I like him- our common weaknesses. I can relate with his self-consciousness, his desire to show off, to learn more (oops that's not a weakness), his clumsiness, often being the lovingly bullied one.
In the same time, he's stronger in ways that I can't be which makes me respect him, and consequently like him more.
And i like the way he smirks.
I think this is more than enough :P
(I hope it wasn't too corny...)

me, quiz

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