So there's going to be a slight delay while I work on these interviews...
gypsyrobin is facing a tight deadline, as are several of the others I planned to talk to first. Best to let them do the paying work first, right?
So instead I'll blog about last night's adventure in children's publishing. Last night,
Firebrand Literary had their relaunch party at a wine bar in Soho. It was a lovely party, but at one point I did mention that if the building were to collapse, children's publishing in the States would be devastated. I swear, every children's editor in New York was there, even if just for a brief appearance. It's not even worth name would take too long, and you'd be bored after the first twenty names. I wish the gang at Firebrand many years of success, and am looking forward to watching
Hot Man of Children's Literature Michael Stearns learn the fun of asking for all those things for his clients he used to refuse to grant when he sat on the editor side of the desk.
One of the most amusing parts of the evening for me was noting that Nadia had apparently invited several other agent friends of hers to the party...but only the male ones. I think this was part of her plan to balance out the predominantly female editorial staff of the children's world (although there are a surprising number of men around these days). But it certainly gave me something to tease her about...and she knows how I love to tease her. That's what she keeps me around for after all.
The other thing that made me chuckle was that several of the editors there had just the day before received
stephanieburgis's manuscript from me, and showed up with it in their bags. In the course of mentioning that to me, they of course realized which other editors had it. Think that will spur on some quick reading, hmm?
It was also interesting to note how many of them had Sony Readers or Kindles...and how a few still prefer good old fashioned paper. Me? I *heart* my Sony Reader. Best tech device I've purchased in years.
I'm off to a SCBWI conference in Springfield, IL this weekend with the ever-so-fabulous
blackholly and another of my clients,
Julia Durango. Should be fun!