(no subject)

Jan 11, 2005 15:11

havn't wrote in this journal for a few days so why not.

things that rock:

knowing people who give you free stuff (pick up sticks got lunch free again, 4 starbucks that know and love me give me free drinks)

jon and his ability to never let me stay mad cuz he is so damn cute

last night ;)

i am going to winter formal, hopefully i will not be the odd one out

my blue dress actually looks good on me, thats right i am hot

my mom has upgraded her parent book and is being less of a hard ass

i learned to make chocolate milk foam and it taste rad

precious moments

new cds

things that make you feel good

actually having hours so i have money!


things that don't rock:

finding that your friends arn't really freinds at all

putting pressure on people that you really have no intetions of putting pressure on and then don't know how to stop applying the pressure




liers... not names mentioned cough cosophieugh cough

closing my store tonight

hypocrates, again no names

cold chicken
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