"i just grabbe the spoon" i'm watchin friends now...

May 26, 2006 00:13

So I don't usually post this stuff but I'm waiting for mom to come over and we are going to discuss THE TRIP!! What you might ask is THE TRIP?! THE TRIP is my trip to DISNEYLAND!!! That's right I'm finally going! Majority of ya'll already know why...The Disneyland Inaugaral Half Marathon! I can't wait! Plane tickets are now purchased and now I'm trying to decide on hotel!! :-)
I am going to be 2 years old all over again when I arrive there..."I'm at DL I'm really at DL!!" :-P Then after I get this trip all taken care of I gotta start planning my Fall Holiday trip to Washington DC to visit my cousin!! :-D I have never been here either so I guess I shouldn't be upset with her for leaving New York City anymore since now I get to go somewhere else I've never been!

Well this summer is gonna be odd... So right now I am doing nothing exciting.. this summer kinda dull... I've been spoiled.. Summer 03, 04, 05 I spent in Orlando working at WDW! This summer.. I'm working at my regular job here in BRLA 9-5 or whenever I feel like leaving.. hahaha... Then I go home watch tv or a movie and get online... then later I'll go for a run... Pretty boring! Then June 12 I start summer school. I'm taking 6 or 9 hours. I'll continue working at my regular job as well. One exciting thing I'm gonna buy a season pass to blue bayou/dixie landin just for all the concerts on saturday nights out there! That'll be the highlight of the week. Aly and AJ are gonna be in NOLA at the HOB..that's exciting I'm sooo going to that concert cause I know Jonnie will go to that one. Hmmm... this weekend is memorial day weekend and i'm doing nothing.. well i take that back two friends of mine are getting married on sat. dad is going to one wedding and mom and i are going to the other.. gosh.. 2 people this weekend and then i know 4 other people getting married JUST THIS SUMMER!!! Whats up with that?! Why get married so soon.. yeah my parents did and so did other moms and dads but go travel and get a set career!! Then... oh well...I'm all ready and set with my new wedding outfits! lol.. yep i've got wedding outfits to begin wearing to weddings! ok ok ok.. so what else is going on... OH! Sunday afternoon mom and i are going to the dance recital of the place i use to take dance lessons at for 15 years! :-) *tear* i miss those days of long practices and costumes and getting hair fixed and last minute changes and SEQUINS and SOBO GLUE!!!!!!!!!!!! haha.. That'll be fun to go to and be in the audience... but I do love being on stage performing! :-P hmmm...what else?
OH Everyone and their grandmother seem to be going to WDW all of a sudden and NOT ME!!! Whats up with that!?!?! ugh! I'm here in BRLA working and being bored while everyone else is in orlando having fun! WHY!!!
Yeah i will be going back in august but only for almost 3 weeks! Can ya'll believe that?!?! After that august trip i won't be back till JANUARY 2007!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *GASP* yeah i know! :-P
I am gonna go to Memphis for a weekend this summer! That'll be TONS of fun!!! I'll get to hang out wth one of my VBFF.. hahaha... and her boyfriend is buying my supper! :-P I've never been to memphis..well i have been on the interstate through memphis but never stopped there! I get to go to tha WORLD FAMOUS FAMILY REUNION in the big ol town of Union, MS this year.. I've missed the past 3 years..so this otta be interesting.. LOL!!! I've got an interesting family..that's all I'm sayin! :-P
Well I don't know what just made me write this random entry... should I post it... I guess I will.. I'm just rambling on not making much since.. I know! Well for everyone that is in Orlando or going to WDW soon HAVE FUN and THINK OF ME!!!!!!!! *sigh*
I miss all my friends down in FL and all over the US and the world!! *tear* JAPAN, GERMANY, FRANCE!!!!!!!! :-) ok..there i go again rambling!!! I'm stopping now... oh SOUL PATROL!!! ;-)
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