Nov 15, 2007 23:52
before i start take this as a word of warning, though i plan on keeping this short and sweet there is a damn good chance im going to ramble on quite a bit. if that doesnt scare you away then go take a piss, grab abeer then continue reading.
I sat here for a good ten minutes tryin to figure out what to write while listing to some good music.... then i drew a blank got bored and reread my last few posts. that didnt do me any good, 'cept i found out that when the passion strikes me i can come up with some pretty impresive sounding bullshit.
then i got bored again and started getting angry at my brain cause i wanted to keep the whole deep thought streak going. what gets to me is one day i can contemplate the universe and have a general, if not vague, understanding of how it works and then sometimes my brain can only go as far as dick and fart jokes. i refuse to accept that shit so i started trying to figure out under what circumstances my brain goes into over drive. i can rule out innebriation, sometimes im stoned sometimes im drunk and ,sadly, sometimes im sober. i figure emotions play a decent part in it but, for the most part, emotion only guides the subject mater and the intensity of what i write. anger generates spitefull, rambling paragraphs full of short sentences, common words and curses....lots and lots of curses. though when im mellow my sentence structure improves as well as my vocabulary (though i still cant spell for shit) the subject matter can run from self inspection to societal issues and touch upon every other issue along the way. honestly i can ramble on for a few hundred more words without getting to my point so i'll cut the crap. Basicly the only theory that i can come up with is that every once in a while the universe rears back and kicks you in the balls with it's size 12 boot and alluva sudden your inspired. you write, sing, draw, what the fuck ever. if there was a way to be in a permanent state of ephiany i'd sure like to know how. ehh enough of this, come up with an awnser of your own and get back to me on it.
catch ya on the flip side.....
well i sat here for a good ten minutes l