Funny dream last night

May 18, 2009 01:25

So last night I had a dream.

Some background to this dream:

My telephone interview for CSU was postponed from Friday until Monday. They under estimated how long each interview would take, so my new interview is scheduled for Monday at 11:40 am.

So last night, I had a dream that it was Monday, and it was 11:30 and I was prepping for my phone interview. I decided to call my Mom and by doing so, found out that my cell phone got turned off. So I ran to the house phone (CSU has both numbers) and tried to dial my Mom's work, and it wasn't working.

So I ran across the street to use their phone, and it wasn't working. Then I go to the neighbor and she tells me that someone drove their car into the main box and all the telephones in Barstow don't work.

So I'm freaking out. I drive out to Lenwood to use a pay phone, and get a roll of quarters. I call CSU from a pay phone and tell them that all the phones in Barstow don't work, that I had to drive to the next town, and call them from a pay phone. They gave me the "mmmhmmm", so I told them I was serious.

So they decide to put me through to do my telephone interview, and half way into it, I run out of change.

So my dream switches over to a conference room of the people interviewing me all looking at the phone, and all they hear is:

"Oh crap, I'm out of change. Oh crap, I'm out of change, please give me some change, I'm trying to finish a telephone interview...." then the line goes dead.

I was standing at a pay phone, and I ran out of change, and I was asking people walking by for any change to help me finish my telephone interview.

What a bizarre strange. Hopefully tomorrow will go NOTHING like that.

-Until next time.
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