Sep 05, 2008 02:48
Barstow is still jobs, no nothing.
I made a decision that has flipped the world upside down (at least in Barstow).
Yesterday, one of the guys my brother works with asked if I wanted to hang out because he was bored...
I know, I know, you already know where this is going.
He went and ran errands with me, we went and got some dinner and then neither of us had plans so we decided to go to a park and goof off.
We had a really good time, playing on the swings, monkey bars, and just talking. Then (of course) the conversation got a little more intimate. I brought up that he hasn't had sex in a year and a half (I know, long time right?) and just asked him about it.
The standard answer of he's busy with life, and hasn't noticed and bla bla after cutting through all the bullshit he basically said he hasn't found someone that he wants to sleep with...which is weird, because I automatically assume guys will go for anything that will spread their legs, but I think the majority is how shy this guy is.
We continue goofing off at the park and he's telling me some story about something, I don't even remember, and in the middle of it tells me that he finds me extremely sexy, then continues on with his story. I was caught SO far off guard I almost fell out of the jungle gym. So he kept talking, and through out the entire story would slip in little comments, and it was so bizarre...probably because he is typically really shy.
So I called him out on it, and he said he was sexually attracted to me and that there's something about me...and of course my comment is along the lines of yea I have a vagina, that may be the something about me.
It was weird because we had a full conversation about what we were looking for (or not looking for really) and we just went on with the night. Then it started to get late and he asked me what I wanted to do, and I said I didn't care, no job, no real responsibilities, whatever...and I asked what he wanted to do. He asked me if I wanted the honest answer or the bullshit answer, and I said both.
He said that he would love to sit around a jab at the park, but in reality he wanted to go back to his place.
and I agreed
This is where the trouble begins.
He didn't make it awkward, and I was (and still am) shocked that he is great in bed.
For going a year and a half with out, he did really well...he didn't think so, but after about three rounds we were having a really good time.
It's so strange how shy he is, but for him to be such a sexual person. Super attentive, into the dirty talk, all the good stuff man...I had a great time.
I ended up falling asleep at his house, and was not expecting what happened when I woke up.
He lives with another guy who he works with, and they both work with my brother. The roommate took a picture of my car parked near his house and asked why my car was parked there.
Yea, drama.
I woke up to five missed calls, four from my brother and one from his I called his wife back. I guess my brother just didn't know what was going on and by the time he figured out what was going on he was so pissed off that he didn't want to talk to me or him, and was being a dick to everyone all day.
I don't think we thought of all the consequences for our actions, and I do believe that the action out weigh the consequence of my brother being an asshole.
I have never seen my brother over react in such a manner, that it was starting to make me mad.
I waited for my brother to get home and he was just all pissed off, and the boy decided to text him and say that he wanted to talk about everything that was going on.
So tonight my brother was pretty was him, his wife, me, the boy, and two good friends. Nothing happened, all my brother said was don't bring shit up I'm in a good mood now.
So we didn't.
Then he got drunk started being a dick, and his wife told everyone to leave.
I followed one of our good friends home and we chatted.
Apparently my brother wants to kill him, he doesn't want to talk about anything, just wants to punch him in the face.
I feel bad, SO bad, and did not expect the person I would have to report be my little brother.
My Mom called me when I was at the boy's house and asked me if I was alive, I said yes, if I was in jail, I said no, and if I was coming home later, I said yes. A short, straight to the point conversation.
Not my brother, he's being a dick, and I am trying to be understanding.
Yes, we fucked up, we're sorry.
We did not do this to hurt you or whatever, it just happened.
I dunno, my brother doesn't want to talk about anything, so whatever.
I'm off, it's 3 am, I'm exhausted, and I want to at least hang out with my Mom tomorrow.
-Until next time.