Aug 23, 2006 23:41
so I am realizing that I HARDLY EVER UPDATE!!!
I need to work on that.
I'm still stuck on the whole...make my life into a movie, it would be pretty amusing, but I forget shit all the time, and it's funny, when I read past journal entries it all comes back.
I am Barstow...visitin the folks, having a great time.
my 3 month old nephew went in for his heart surgery today, and everything went very smoothly, was quick, he woke up from the knock out drugs (which was their biggest fear is that he wouldn't wake up from it), and he'll be comin back up here tomorrow night. My sister said he was good about everything, didn't cry b/c he didn't get to eat when he wanted, b/c he couldn't eat for so many hours before the surgery, etc.
that's about it really. I got really drunk on Saturday night, we were going to have a small gathering, and it turned into a party of about 40+ people...amusing. We had such a good time, I haven't had fun like that with my family in a really long time.
I got to meet all the new babies...they're so cute. Zack is 3 now, and he's talking and he knows who I am, it's so cute. He's a hellion, but adorable at the same time.
so my sister and I decided I should make a movie...and my title is "Boyfriend Material".
I meet the most random guys, in the most random ways, she is just amazed that I never have a boyfriend...but at the same time, it takes me forever to call someone my boyfriend, so what does it matter.
I was sitting outside of my parents house the other day, on the phone, and as I got off the phone there was this bug in front of my face. So I am leaning with the phone (I hadn't hung it up yet) and swatting the bug, so basically I looked like a HUGE retard...haha
so then this guy pulls over, rolls his window down and asks me if I was waving at I told him I thought he was someone else. I told my sister and she started crackin up (the visual of the motion is just amusing on it's own), and she asked why I didn't just tell him I was shooing a bug away...who the hell shoos a bug like
on the same note...who waves like that? lol
I had an uncomfortable experience before I flew home. I was at a grocery store during my lunch break, and you know when you feel that someone is in your personal space...I felt that. I didn't turn around, I figured it was an old woman or an old person in general b/c they don't even realize they do that...then all of a sudden I hear a really deep voice whisper in my ear..."your so sexy, I'd take you in the parking lot and fuck you right now"
I turn around it was this short guy in gym clothes, with one of those stupid blue tooth things on his ear...I was creeped the fuck out.
yea, so it's stories like those that my sister thinks I could make a funny movie with. I told her I had a ton of stories about guys, and bad dates, bad pick up lines, that I could write a movie about a girl who wants a boyfriend, but can't find what she wants...and call it "Boyfriend Material"
total chick flick...but at the same time, with the amount of sex I enjoy in my life, guys would watch it
we'll see...I start my new job on Monday. I'm excited, but very nervous. I think I'm nervous b/c this is a job that I could potentially stay at after I graduate.
I have been re-instated, put on one quarter of probation, they will review my progress after fall quarter, if over a 2.0 I will get full funding...but that also means, I will keep my classes but not see a lick of financial aid until after fall quarter...right?
I need to e-mail them and have all of that clarified. All the classes I'm taking this quarter are I should do fine...but what IS exciting, is that I will be graduating on time...and come June, I'll have a bachelors.
SCARY...but VERY exciting.
so my life is becoming steady again. I got a living environment that I LOVE, a new job that I am SO excited for, another chance for school, my graduation is on all I need is that boyfriend that is so hard to find, lol. I am no longer an employee at the Boys & Girls Club. I was working with a guy who is amazing in character, and to be blunt, the first black guy I've ever been sexually attracted to. Yea, so he has decided that we should date. I was trippin off the age difference, him being 18, and me being 21...and my roommate put me in my place on that one. Then I was trippin and still am concerned about losing a friendship. Part of me, shit most of me, just says to go for it, see what will happen...then at the same time I really don't see it being completely long term...and what sucks is I feel like I am not giving it a chance at all...we'll see. We're gunna go out to dinner on Saturday or Sunday when I get back. It's nice that he's really into communication and talking about everything, and I really enjoy that. Anyway, I could write a TON about that in general, but I'm sleepy.
well, I'm off...I'm sleepy today, this heat is really getting to me, I just want to sleep, or stand under the cooler, lol.
Until next time.