The Creature

Dec 04, 2008 21:04

yeah this is like a fucking horrible short story.
but i was bored. so criticize away! god knows i need it with this piece of shit lol

Hiding in the shadow of the night lies a creature.  This creature is not like any human or animal i have ever seen before, although it has features of both.  Its piercing yellow eyes have nothing but a thin slit of a pupil, no emotion nor meaning.  As it takes a deep breath its matted and dirty hair, more like fur, moves slowly up and down, standing up like a frightened cat's.  It is an ancient creature and seems to be almost wise.  Some people are afraid of wisdom, as it can change everything they thought they knew.  These people beat wisdom off their path of recklessness.  I watch as they kick this thing until it can do nothing but wimper quietly.  I feel sorry for it in a naive way, although i did not know it then.  However, my ignorence drove me to keep walking.  I have seen nothing.  For days it haunts my dreams, driving me to insomnia.  This lack of sleep and these thoughts make me quiver with anger and I wonder how people could be so cruel.  This hypocrisy is now apparent to me, and I see that I am just as bad for doing nothing.  I watched everything and did nothing.  Just as I watch life but do not live it.  Soon my eyes lose their moisture and my once so strong eyelids droop with exhaustion, but they cannot close.  My body aches more and more each day.  I feel like i have been beaten like the creature had been.  Now I can stand it no longer and I return to see the beast.  When I arrive at the same dark, wet alley it appears to be deserted and I sigh with relief.  As the air exits my body I hear a slight shuffle beside me.  Burried under what seems to be a week's worth of trash the same familiar dark figure lies still.  Perhaps lifeless.  I get as close as my fear with allow and I scan the heap for life.  The face is obscured and I cannot see its yellow eyes.  I wonder if it is really dead, so i shift myself forward.  With the far away streetlight I catch a glimpse of the beast's face and I am paralyzed.  It looks to be in so much pain.  Then I notice a sticky liquid on its nose and slowly dripping from its mouth.  I assume it is blood but I touch it to be certain.  As soon as it feels the faintest pressure of my finger its eyes shot open as fast as a bat out of hell.  The same bright yellow eyes shined on me like the sun from another hellish world.  Still emotionless but somehow dead inside.  It cannot be human.  I felt the beast's eyes inspecting me with no intention of looking anywhere else.  I try to evade its burning stare, but i fail as my curiosity causes my eyes to wonder and fall upon it.  It tries to move but it cannot.  For something so mysterious and menacing, I thought, it is very fragile.  It is then I see the human like qualities and realize, it actually was human.  At least it used to be.  As I dig deeper into its eyes down to its soul I see it.  These features belonged to me.  This creature...was me.  How corrupt this life has made me and how I have turned numb.  Overwhelmed by all I have just discovered I stumble and scare the beast.  We had an equal movement that somehow caused a flash of red.  We grew closer and the light grew larger, until finally it engulfed us both.  I seem to recall being jolted together, combined as one as we always were in spirit.  Suddenly  I am back in my bathroom staring at my unsatisfying reflection just as I stared at the creature.  I thought it had been a dream at first, but i felt different.  I knew somthing inside of me had changed.  If this was not a dream then I could not help but wonder...Why have I been given a second chance?
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