Nov 22, 2003 11:15
Fight Club... good movie. Just got done watching it for the first time in a long while. Back when it was playing ad nauseum on cable I caught it ever chance I could, even when I was flipping though all 500 channels and found it by accident half way though. I'm not sure which personality I like more. Anyone?
Great Britain and Europe... 1st take anything with the word great in it's name with a grain of salt. Usually it won't live up to it's own hype. That said "fearless leader" takes a trip there to further alienate the PM from his people by simply shaking hands and making nice with Queen.
I'm not the biggest fan of the President; I wont even vote for him next election (not that I voted for him in the last one). What gets me though is growing resentment the U.S. is receiving as a whole. Especially from the group of miscreants that's shovelling the grief. These are citizens of countries that made their place in the world today by building their economies on the backs of 75% of the world's population, then though the consent of silence or though direct action tried exterminating an entire culture, and then got tired of their colonies (only after being told by the indigenous people "NO... REALLY... Get the fuck out!") and left them to be further exploited by corporations and the best dictators money can buy.
Yes, I know the U.S. is guilty of the same injustices; slavery, unfair labor practices, child labor, giving Indians blankets from small pox wards, corporate exploitation, and setting up puppet governments that played ball with us.
~Side note: personally I think the Dole Fruit Corporation should send the U.S.M.C. a fruit basket every Christmas as thanks for their help in Central America around the turn of 20th century~
But what I am saying is that the U.S. and the countries that have populations that are screaming the loudest have played the same game, and continue to play.
Maybe we should offer a U.S. Civics course to the American flag burning citizens of "allied" nations so they'll know the U.S. isn't a dictatorship and Bush will be replaced in 1 to 5 years that way they can channel their adolescent rage into something productive, like bathing or something. Also I recommend air dropping history books over Europe so they'll be reminded of the kind of friend that we've been in the past and also the sick little political game that we've all played and continue too. In short... The people of Europe should take long close look at their own politicians and corporations and leave us to do the same.
Wow! That went on longer than I wanted it too. I let this post go at that. Later