Dec 12, 2004 23:07
Things I've learned this weekend while in Pittsburgh(Wasn't my first visit, this trip just happened to be more informative):
At parties saying your from Cali gets you mad props.
Having partied throughout the years all across the country I have to say there's nothing quite like partying on the east cost.
Male to male introductory handshake type things vary from state to state( PA people still use one that I haven't seen here in years).
Back seat passengers aren't required by law to wear a seatbelt.
Sticking your tongue out in public hoping a snow flake will fall on it singles out as a definite westerner.
Because of PA's strict liquor laws it's even hard for someone legal to obtain alcohol.
Don't be so trusting of a friends friend even if you have met before.
PA in general doesn't have much of a night life.
Avoid making connections in Atlanta.