Oct 17, 2006 09:53
Don't you hate waking up one morning and it's freezing and raining outside and then the next day you expect the same thing, so you meander outside wearing your hoodie and jeans and carrying an umbrella only to discover that it's hot and rainy! Blah...Alabama has the worst weather! I'm having an ok day....I painstakingly drug myself to my 8 o'clock class which of course lasted the entire time, maybe even a little bit longer than it was suppose to! I mailed a present to my dad and got my Cosmo in the mail....always a good thing! I'm currently sipping on some coffee (which I have faced the cold harsh truth about...I'm addicted and it cannot be helped or stopped) in the library (which seems like my second home this week, but I guess that's ok because I definitely don't need to be a 6th year senior like some kids who will remain nameless)! Walking to the library I noticed a car which had a $35 parking ticket. Whoa...that totally sucks for them! I bet they woke up late and decided not to walk because it was raining and so they took their chance on the illegal parking space and hoped for the best! Sorry buddy...the nazis got you! I've only received one parking ticket here at the Capstone. The nazis tried to give me a second one but I got to the car as they were punching in my tag number and gave them the pouty sad face (which has been proven that no one can say no to it...just ask Nick or Ted)and they let me move it with no ticket! Hooray! Raise your hand if you want to finish my English paper tonight or if you want to wear my sexy satin hot pants? Now...calm yourselves...not everyone at once! I'm super excited because this week is Fall Break, meaning we get Thursday and Friday off of school! Ted and I are going shopping at the outlet mall on Thursday and Friday we're leaving for the Tennessee game! I can feel it..........all of that bright TN orange is going to give me a giant headache. "She sat behind Damion in English last year"...."She asked me how to spell OrAnGe!" Haha....suckers! Whoa....I definitely need some sleep! I got my Halloween costume last week...I'm going to be a French Maid! It's super cute! I need to find another costume for band practice (we always dress up on Halloween at band practice) because we roll on the ground a lot during rehearsal and I don't want to snag my fishnet panty hose! It looks like I'll be wearing fishnet garments for a long time...atleast until April! Yikes! Final thought.....me plus Ted plus my twin size bed equals waking up with a stiff body! He completely took up all of the bed...I merely had one cheek on the bed...what a bed hogger! My bed is definitely cuter than his bed but way too small! Ahhhh! I need my wrist popped! Well...off to class I go into the gross rainy weather! Adios!