This is only partially code talk; it's also policy talk, and pep talk. We have three topics to cover: players as scene runners/GMs, the Battle Fantasia Origin Story Round Robin, and the Battle Fantasia Youma Repository System. All of these are related to each other.
It's a rolling jubilee... )
There are other, more tangible cookies for running scenes, as well, but we're not going to talk about them right now. People who don't run, and don't get these cookies, will not in any way be less powerful or effective than those who do.
A scene is a scene; the origin round robin, for example, may very well mostly be one on ones. There's nothing wrong with that -- the opposite is true, since with great personalization can come great character development -- and the healthiest games have scenes of many sizes, large and small. There will, however, be diminishing returns on player A and B constantly only running scenes FOR EACH OTHER, and also a minor incentivization to run scenes outside of one's cast/team, when possible, reasonable or desirable.
also re: the round robin, will there be something for bad guys to do day 1 besides gming? I guess being a demon who goes nyo ho horon at someone could be great on its own to set em off, but we could also do a start of darkness type deal. I presume that icly speaking, everyone isn't magical girling up on the same day even if oocly they are.
Well not me! Just because I'm a dark lieutenant doesn't mean I don't have...a heart. Or two. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can break hearts.
*storms off to make a pool noodle flavored villain*
Bad guys can do whatever they want at launch, just like good guys. They can social, they can run other peoples' origins, they can have their own origins run. They can participate in larger scenes.
The Round Robin will not, presumably, all happen on the same day OOCly; it will happen over weeks. How far into their stories casts want to begin is ultimately up to them. It is certainly true that there is a major IC reason for there to suddenly be a lot more magical girls popping up around the same time, but people are hardly required to app on Day One. That's what flashback RP is for, and much of the Round Robin will likely be exactly that.
I play a Puella Magi. For some Witch scenes, I made up a reason why my character wouldn't be able to attend. For others, I used her to provide the hook, and she is present but not generally on-screen. In the last I recall, she contacted help while explaining that she was trapped, and could not move to deal with the Witch herself without endangering the muggles also trapped with her. This left the main point of the scene (dealing with a Witch) to other players, while letting the character do something narratively important off-screen, thus keeping her in the business of visibly fighting Witches without having to wait for someone else to feel like GMing for the theme.
In another scene on the same MU*, with another character, my alt masterminded a military operation in which she provided the objectives, the entry point, and the extraction, while the players made up an infiltration team. Established circumstances required her to stay outside to make sure that an escape route existed. Even more so than the previous example, the role had narrative importance, and a degree of interaction with the whole op (because my alt was in charge of it in a military capacity), but it left all of the on-screen action (with the exception to the initial entry) to everyone else.
In both cases, I played my character while GMing. How does this fit against the concept of GMing as it will exist in BF? Should this style of GMing be avoided?
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