Title: Ask Lady_TaeTae 678
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Summary: Lady_TaeTae- the new sex columnist of "Cosmopolitan", a 'girl' who has a real effect on reader's mind. Well, really nice, but what if out of the magazine's pages she wasn't exactly a girl? The story of Yuri and her strange friend.
The Christmas was coming and Taemin knew that they will have to organize a real Christmas dinner and all. They ignored it completely last year, just buying a tree, then just visited Taemin’s and Minho’s parents. After all that nice things they returned home and fucked for hours, near the tree, in the kitchen, in the bathroom and ended up with cuddling in bathrobes and watching TV. Sooo religious. Anyway Taemin was so sore, like never before.
But now, Yoogeun needed a real Christmas like from American movies.
“There’s no guy in the whole place that hasn’t invite it on New Year’s Eve yet” Minho said, looking at him while packing the gift and raised his brow “Everyone knows you there, even our janitor asked about you yesterday”
Taemin smirked while trying to form some poor cookies that were supposed to be heart-shaped, Well, Taemin visited Minho’s sport complex quite often, generally only to talk with his friends and sometimes play a little. Taemin really, really liked football, basketball too, but Minho’s friends tended to play the first one. But whatever. Minho and Taemin used to talk with Enhyuk and Donghae on Skype (they had shared accounts EunHae86 and 2MIN- so sweet). And everyone loved Yoogeun! Their team puppy!
“Together with our son, we’re more popular than you~”
“They call you the coach’s wifey” Minho added sarcastically and Taemin stuck out his tongue at him.
He was somehow accustomed to it and he didn’t have anything against calling him like that. Only if it had some positive meaning, of course. It annoyed him when Key was calling him a housewife when he himself was acting exactly like that, even more. Taemin was more boyish that he was, though. Total hypocrite, anyway Taemin loved him as his own mother.
“And you, husband, should” He narrowed his eyes at the moment and tried to look imperious “Go and buy us a Christmas tree”
Minho looked at him with his flaming stare and with the expression saying :are you sure that you just have told that in such tone?” and Taemin swallowed, feeling a little bit unsafe. He just knew that when Minho return from shopping, Taemin himself would be fucked hard, of course right after tucking Yoogeun in.
At first Victoria complemented his clothes and then she changed her mind, saying that red boots absolutely don’t match purple pants. Taemin wasn’t Key and he wasn’t interested in fashion arguments so he only looked at her with skeptical eyes and signed in his mind. They were sitting in the “Cloud” cafeteria and through the whole meeting Taemin was praying that Victoria will…
Exactly. He didn’t even know if he wanted her to start TaeTae’s topic or nor. They were talking about school times, laughing and back biting people like Jonghyun or Amber. In general he was happy that he approached her when he was walking out of the office, week later he came there for the first time. When he mentioned Lady_TaeTae, his heart stopped for a second…
“She has awesome advices, I don’t know if you have read it” She said, eyeing him weirdly “After all I remember when some pansy magazine fell out of your locker and that guy picked it up…”
“Joon?” Taemin guessed, remembering that embarrassing satiation.
“Right, it was him” Victoria said, tasting a small spoon of vanilla ice cream “You know Joon, don’t you, Sulli?”
The girl nodded and Taemin smiled to her a little. It was clearly seen that she felt a little weird, especially since Victoria started talking about his boyfriend and she made him say all details about his relationship with Minho. Marriage, baby, life, sex life too, a little. Despite all that information, Sulli seemed to be interested in the fact that she listens and talks to a real gay man. She was quite adorable in her curiosity.
“Speaking of Lady_TaeTae…” He started, biting his lip “…”
Suli and Victoria were looking at him with concern, the second one was eating her strawberry ice cream at the same time. By the way, Taemin heard enough to know that Sulli really liked Lady_TaeTae she was his/her fan from the beginning. What will be her reaction? Well, he will see. Just…
Now he wasn’t scared about losing his job. He had his plan and he wanted to make it, as a free man. He just wanted to straighten up some things, only in a front of those two people. Well, he planned only Victoria, but…whatever. Sulli was the lucky or the unlucky one. Depends on her reaction. He didn’t want to leave without a word, as a woman.
“Funny, it’s like they called me in high school” He said, smiling a little “TaeTae…”
“Okay, let’s just finish it, that’s enough” Victoria cut him off, rolling her eyes “You know, I had some doubts…well, that nickname and all…and I knew that you would want to meet me”
Taemin closed his eyes a little, like he was trying to protect himself form the absurd of this situation. He had some feeling that she wasn;t that dumb to not realize some things. Sulli was looking at them with confused expression.
“I hoped you will deny” Victoria moaned, face palming “Mother of God”
Sulli frowned and said quiet “can you…” and Taemin looked at her with serious gaze.
“I am Lady_TaeTae”
She didn’t react for a while, she just blinked and after a few seconds she released a big breath and said something like “TaeTae…?”. She looked so fucking confused, like she didn’t know what to say. Victoria patted her arm and her bracelets made a annoying noise. Suli blinked once more and bite her lip.
“I don’t understand that crazy situation even a bit…” She finally said “But if you are talking for real…well, thank you for helping me with my boyfriend. If not you, I would be still alone”
Taemin smiled, saying ‘nice to hear’ and felt a huge relief. Sulli still looked shocked but she was smiling anyway, eating her ice cream and talking with him slowly, probably wondering. He could see the questions like “why, how, when” and Taemin wanted to answer all this questions. If she would want to meet him again.
He just discovered that friendship with girls could be interesting too, first Yuri…but of course, only his hyungs were the best. He loved them as hell. He even had his own special hyung, sometimes called oppa to heat up. Hmm. Now he had to do his plan. He just had to work on his last article.