Jul 21, 2002 11:00
I'm now working on tomatoes, which is BORING work but very easy. I'm so fed up of this place now its unreal but I'm here for work purposes only.
Being a traveller is not kind to the wallet. Especially since the last few nights I've been out getting totally trashed and spending my remaining dollars. Not really a smart move but I'm here for a good time not a long time so I'm not going to worry too much about it.
My original travelling buddy Rob should be back in England by now.
I met some Aussie girl a few nights ago who was very nice. I wound up going back to her place but nothing much happened. Then the next time I heard from her she messaged me the night after at midnight asking if I was still awake. But I had fallen asleep and didn't get the message until 4.30 am when I woke up for some annoying reason.
Anyway if I hear from her again then cool but if not I'm not too worried because I don't think she's real interested in me.
I went to see some Mystery Craters last week at a place called South Kolan a few kms west of here. These craters are a geological feature that have baffled geologists since the dawn of time. The leaflet hyped the place up real good but when I got there man what a cheesy pile of crap it was. The craters themselves were pretty interesting but I didn't get the feel I was "walking on the moon" like the leaflet suggested. Mainly because they were fenced off.
Then there was this "museum" out back which was a collection of rusty lawn mowers in a shed. Add a few chickens in a cage and that was worth 5 bucks. Seems to me like someone unearthed these holes in some rock, decided to make shit tons of money out of stupid traveleers and decided to add stuff to give it the feel of a park like the machinery and a huge fibre glass T Rex model (the link there was they believe the craters were formed when dinosaurs walked the earth). But there was a very interesting mineral and rock museum which I can't deny was pretty fascinating. And the woman on the front desk let us in for 2 bucks each because we lied and said we came a real long way just to see these craters when really we were just bored, saw the leaflet and borrowed a van.
Nothing ever happened with that German girl. We did become real good friends and we'll hook up somewhere in Europe next year.
Well I better split, another interesting day doing jack shit awaits. I have spent so much money these last few days that today I really have to do nothing else I'll never get up north.