Jun 08, 2008 16:44
That's it. Put a fork in me cuz I'm done. My parents and sister and her family were here for my graduation and we had a great time in Philly. Bill Cosby spoke a the graduation. He's a very funny man and way more down to earth than people give him credit for. That was my last time having to track up to North Philly on a regular basis.
Since I live 5 blocks away from both of my jobs I can walk absolutely everywhere which has been really nice. Having a 10 minute walking commute kicks ass. I had my first semi-normal week of no school. I'm still working catering while I can in the busy season but am going to phase it out as I take more hours on at my new job.
So I'm officially employed at Evolve Strategies as the "video production specialist." I created the job description and submitted it to my boss. He liked it and only had a few things to add. We still have to work out salary and hours but most likely I'm going to try and remain on hourly pay and work around 30 hours a week. They're all for worker's rights so they provide health insurance and everything else which is really great. My first job working in my field. It's worked out perfectly and I feel very fortunate to have it. It's great experience and I've already learned more practical stuff form working there than I have in four years of College.
The apartment is great. Very much enjoying living in the middle of the city. It's very busy and is usually invigorating and inspiring although it can be overwhelming on occasion. There's jazz musicians on the corners, small businesses galore, homeless people, the super rich and trendy, working class stiffs, young and old artists, big buildings and tiny nooks and crannies to be explored. My apartment feels like one of those nooks that I've made my home.
I've been going out a lot with friends from all over the city. It's nice to have time for them again. And it'll be nice to have time for you guys reading this too. College was a long, hard haul for me. I was kind of forced to go through college and the few years of working after college at the same time. I'm glad to be done and have some time again. Even if it's just to work, it's still so much more satisfying than going to school for me. Shannon is still in the go to school and work non-stop mode and will be for another year. At least I'll be done and can support her more now that I'm not stretched so thin. I'm definitely ready for my next stage in life.
Well, just thought I'd give you guys and overview of where I'm at since talking on the phone has proven to be much less efficient than in the past (with everybody's schedule's and timezones being different). I talked to Drew this week and we decided we should definitely try to do something fun together online. Maybe we could find something we could do regularly. I don't know your guys' schedule but I pretty much work 10-4 weekdays with catering gigs mostly on Friday nights this month. I usually go out at night but can definitely plan stuff around you guys. If you have any ideas or want to say what's up my new e-mail is payton.brett@gmail.com and I'm going to be checking livejournal a lot more now. I've got tons of stuff to post so I'll be posting whenever I can.
P.S. August 30th is a day that you must all be here. No matter what it takes, even if I have to come and carry you out to the east coast on my back.