hardest decision of my recent life:

May 31, 2005 12:10

have you ever thought of something that made you completely sick imagining it taken away?.. yet at teh same time know and understand fully that you will receive something better in the long run if you give it up now?
yesterday and today I have been faced with this. the choice to bring up the issue and the choice to carry through the issue VRS. the choice to ignore further the tugging , and the choice to risk something precious to me.
It is harder than I ever immagined it could possibly be, nothing can compare with the torment you KNOW it will leave for a time.yet there is nothing greater than wanting to please God.
believe it or not i fight with my will every day, the outcome is not always pretty and there are times when you think you have won the struggle. but here is the thing, when you take up a one-on-one arm fight with yourself .. you still end up maimed in one arm. Ok.. so I may not make alot of sence to some of you, but to others,this perfectly portrays your existence.(at least here i have won half the battle.) lol.
I want to say that everything will be "fine" .. but here's the thing.. it probably WILL be hard and it probably will take a long time to accept...but in the TRUE end scheme of things.......THIS is a "Drop in the bucket".. "this is just a postcard of the grand(pun intended) canyon and it's many peaks." there WILL be a time when we can say " I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race"and now recieve teh reward. When God promises something.. NO ONE can take that away~!

Soli Deo Gloria! glory to God alone and thanks be forever to Him who alone knows our future gifts.
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