Jun 07, 2004 20:03
Who was the last person...
[1] You touched? katie v
[2] You talked to? steve
[3] You hugged? kim
[4] You instant messaged? sarah
[5] You kissed? ...
[6] You yelled at? probably kim or my mom for not letting me be able to go to grundle fest.
[7] You laughed with? ant, terry, deanna, val and scott
[8] You had a crush on? damn this is hard. well, i'm not allowed to mention one girl, for the sake of a certain relationship, so probably nikki fasarakis
Name four drinks you regularly drink:
[1] water
[2] iced tea
[3] gatorade
[4] ginger ale
Name four random facts about yourself:
[1] i eat everything in groups of 2
[2] i miss people way too much
[3] i think those people that where 2 different shoes or 2 different socks with 298383447575 bracelets and straws in their ears are extremely over-rated and tacky.
[4] i have to listen to my chemical romance's "demolition lovers" and "vampires will never hurt you" and close my closet doors before i go to bed or else i cant fall asleep
Name four random facts about your family:
[1] my sister is too picky about the food she eats
[2] my mom does too much for the family and doesnt get enough credit sometimes
[3] my dad secretly likes Murder By Death
Have you ever...
[1] Fallen for a friend? yes indeed.
[2] Made out with JUST a friend? nope
[3] Been rejected? always.
[4] Been in lust? no
[5] Used someone? never
[6] Ever been used? probably
[7] Cheated? on tests and shit? oh hell all the time!
[8] Been cheated on? no
[9] Done something you regret? yeah
[10] Can you list a few of them? telling lies to make myself seem cooler during sophomore year
Do you..?
[1] Color your hair? no
[2] Have tattoos? no
[3] Have Piercing(s)? no
[4] Have a boy/girl friend? i'm getting quite comfortable being single, thank you very much.
[5] Floss daily? oddly enough, i do. :)
[6] Like to groove to the music? never use corey and the word groove in the same sentence
[7] Think you are cultured? very much so
[8] Like to drive fast? yes.
[9] Believe in God or Devil? i believe in a higher being. not necessarily God or Jesus but some kind of savior and higher being
[10] Believe in The Closet Monster? yes goddammit. lol.
Miscellaneous Questions!
[1] What should you be doing right now? my waste of time Phys. Ed paper
[2] What are you listening to? Streetlight Manifesto
[3] Can you do anything freakish with your body? i can make weird LOUD popping noises with my jaw, shoulders, wrists, ankles, fingers and knees. is that freakish
[4] Chicken or fish? i dont really eat fish too much. and sometimes chicken can be too dry...so, fish.
[5] Favorite Season? spring
[6] Is ice cream the best thing in the world? no, I'M the best thing in the world. NOW WHAT
[7] What would your dream date be? you know, to be honest, i've never even thought about it.
[8] Silver, gold or platinum? platinum, y0. bling bling.
[9] Candle lit dinner in a restaurant or at home? restaurant
[10] Roses or wild flowers? wild flowers
[11] Silly or serious romance? both, at the right time
[12] What CD is in your CD player right now? both my chemical romance cds and streetlight manifesto
[13] Who was your favourite Spice Girl? baby spice without a doubt. god. she was hot.
[14] Favorite Disney Characters? Peter Pan, that mouse from Dumbo( he was so badass) and not so much that skunk named flower from bambi. i swear bambi and flower had something going on.
[15] Favorite fast food? white rose!
[16] Favorite book(s)? night, choke, and the lord of the flies
[17] Favorite Sports teams? football - jets
hockey - rangers
basketball - nets
baseball - YANKEES!!
[18] Favorite song? Demolition Lovers - My Chemical Romance
[19] What room is your computer in? the living room
[20] What is your shoe size? 9.
[21] Happy or Scary movies? happy
[22] What will you be when you grow up? a teacher
[23] Who do you consider your best friend? honestly, i have too many (sarah, marissa, donna, cassidy, heather, katie, brianne, christine,anna) but ultimately i'd say kim
so this is just some light hearted thing before my real update. and i wrote some of it out before. and oh man. its really somethin else. too much bottled inside i guess.
Catharsis Here I Come...