Why Did It Get So Hot So Soon

May 11, 2004 18:31

damn the heat. i'm sitting here in what's supposedly the coolest room in the house with the ceiling fan on high, and its still unbearable. this house really needs to turn on the air conditioning. my god. it was so nice out yesterday, and now today its like, gross. i HATE humidity to death, man.

i've still gotta write up my psych reaction paper to an experiment. i suck at writing papers. especially for psych. i mean, sure you can bullshit it and it'll come out fine, but i'm way too lazy. but hey--no progress reports this marking period, and it looks like i'll be getting the all A honor for the first time ever for 4th M.P. thats awesome compared to 2nd M.P. when i was thisclose to failing trig and getting a C- in english. lol. i'm such a slacker. whats gonna happen when i go to college?? i'm so screwed. hah.

so now its time for the seniors to relax. its pretty much just the next 2 weeks, and then there's prom. then prom weekend which is memorial day weekend, and then that tuesday is senior cut day, and then it regresses to kindergarten for us. lol. there's the senior breakfast/senior day and all those kinds of senior activities then review for finals and then graduation.....damn. only like 20 school days left. its insane.

almost there....
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