Think of a man who would give anything for you, someone who hasn’t even talked to you, but who cares for you all the same. A man who knows you inside and out, better then anyone, and would give anything just to save your life. If there was such a man, would you run to him with open arms or would you turn your back from such love? There is a man with so much compassion and love towards you and I. His name is Jesus and about 2,000 years ago he died a brutal death just so our sins could be forgiven and we could live for eternity. There are more reasons than I can count for why we should believe and love our Lord and savior. His love is greater then anything you could imagine, he’s more powerful then anyone in this world and he made you and I, why wouldn’t you want to follow him and be his child?
My life is nothing of the ordinary. I have had my trials and I have been down the rebellious side of life, tried new things, experimented with life’s substitutes for happiness and done things that I am not to proud about because I was curious, but nothing compares to the life that I live when I am in Him. God brings a whole new meaning to my happy times. The hard things that I go through seem 10 times smaller just because I have God to lean on knowing that he has a reason for everything. He makes the world go round, he loves everyone more then anyone can even try to love, he knows everything about every single one of us and I can’t imagine leaning on anyone else. He may allow bad things to happen, but he doesn’t cause them to happen because like a father he wants his children, you and I, to learn, he provides free will. God is a constant reminder to me that there is always something in life to live for, always someone I can rely on, and I’m never alone. Everyone tries to find the ultimate goal, something to live their life for. It’s better to live when you have something, someone that your striving for. God would love to give you that. The benefits out way anything in this world when it comes to God. Nothing would even come close to comparing to him.
Many people feel as if loving God is a chore. “Going to church, being a Christian and loving God comes with rules,” I have heard many people say. Life comes with Rules. You always have consequences to things you say and do. It’s part of being a human, but the bible, the things that God asks of you to do, only benefits you as a person. Ecclesiastes 2:26 “To the man who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases God. This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.” (bible) It’s nothing outrageous and you don’t have to be some extraordinary person to accomplish anything God asks. He just asks for you to trust him, be his child and love him.
1 John 3:23 “And this is his command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as he commanded us.” (bible) He asks for you to believe and to love him along with the people around you with everything you have. He loves you and has given you everything that you have now so it’s not asking too much for your love in return. Plus everyone talks about how “love makes the world go round,” people look for their true love, the one that will love them no matter what, friends who will stick by them, love them, when they need them most. God offers this kind of love, its not a hard task, just love and be loved in return.
“The unfailing love of the Lord never ends! By His mercies we have been kept from complete destruction. Great is His faithfulness, His mercies are new each day.” Lamentations 3:22-23 (Eric Christian Journal Entry) I don’t know of anyone who shows love like God does. He shows it through his works, through the bible and through his people. The people that I look up to most, the ones who have gone through so much and managed to make it out on top and those who love me more then I could even imagine them loving anything, have been people who are follow Christ Jesus. They follow the example of the one who created him. Following God only brings happiness, loving people, new opportunities and even a way out in the midst of despair. It should be our nature to follow in the footsteps of the one who loves us most. Nothing is yours to begin with, God created the whole world and provided you with all that you’ve got now, so basically he’s asking you to give to him what he’s already given to you, how much is that to ask?
God created 100% of this world. From your body parts to the grass you walk on he carefully crafted each little detail just for you and I. “Worldwide, 87% said that they considered themselves to be part of some religion, with 63% of Americans saying that "God was very important" in their lives.” ( If God made 100% of this world and gave 100% of his being to love and care for us, we owe him so much more then 63%. He is important, or else he should be, because he’s done so much for us. When someone goes out of their way to help you out in some sense, it’s only polite to thank them and usually people try and do something courteous back.
There’s a little story that many people have heard. It’s been made into a movie and told in bible studies and bible class, all over the world. Luke 23:33-35 “When they came to the place called the Skull, there they crucified him, along with the criminals-one on his right, the other on his left. Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." And they divided up his clothes by casting lots. The people stood watching, and the rulers even sneered at him. They said, "He saved others; let him save himself if he is the Christ of God, the Chosen One." (bible) Many people mock God and his promises in life. Jesus didn’t save himself from that cross, he could have, but he didn’t because he loved us so much that dying on that crossed saved our lives and he wasn’t going to do anything to jeopardize that. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that who ever believe in him will not cherish but have eternal life.” (bible) Yep, he loves us that much!
There is proof the God exists. There are many books about scientists who have researched this matter and done extensive studies on the bible, proving that what is written in the bible, the stories and such are true and they can prove it. For instance, there’s a story in the bible about Noah’s arc. God sent a flood to destroy every person in the world because they were all evil. Noah, however, was the only person loyal enough to live and so God told Noah to build an arc, put male and female from each kind of animal in the boat and bring his family. God then did as he said he would and sent a flood over the whole world. The flood lasted for 40 days and 40 nights and killed everything but what was in the boat with Noah. Scientist have found proof of this very flood and of the arc. While researching they found artifacts leading up to the flood and when they researched further they found out that the flood they have proof of was at the same time the bible said it was. That’s not just coincidence.
The proof they have found and the truth that comes from the bible makes it hard to believe contradicting things written about there not being a God. If that story and many other stories were proven to be true wouldn’t it scare you to think that the other things said in the bible are true as well? God wants you to fear him enough to believe in him, he’s a very powerful God and he has the power to scare you and teach you lessons.
"May you believe in God. But may you come to see that God believes in you. May you have faith in Jesus. But may you come to see that Jesus has faith that you can be like him. A person of love and compassion and truth. A person of forgiveness, and peace, and grace, and joy and hope. And may you be covered in the dust of your rabbi, JESUS!" -