Happiness slips in and takes a seat at a table in the corner...

Apr 20, 2008 14:12

The Doctor is in the common room. Sulking.

He had been limping around the basement looking for Rose, and been absolutely unable to find her anywhere. This bothered him, quite a bit - on top of the other thing that's been bothering him - so he's curled up in an armchair, journal on his lap, exchanging notes with someone. That is brightening his ( Read more... )

the doctor (ten), jet, !tardis, zelgadis graywords

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justjet April 20 2008, 19:28:00 UTC
"You know whenever I meet you... well, you appear to be sulking" Here Doctor, have a Jet come and sit in front of you.

A Jet who is not only still feeling slightly useless but a Jet who is also vaguely realising that she's really began to care far too much about other people.

As such she's looking to annoy... to make herself feel better about her vulnerabilities.

The narration would like to apologize while there's still time.


thatsortofaman April 20 2008, 19:29:16 UTC
"Who says I'm sulking?" he asks, looking up sharply. He's a Time Lord. He Does Not Sulk. At least, that's what he'd like everyone to believe. He is above such things, and when he appears to be sulking, it is for a Very Good Reason.


justjet April 20 2008, 19:33:46 UTC
"You're curled up in a armchair looking sulky... I call that sulking, Unless y'know you're doing brain surgery" Jet grins in a rather charming manner.

A manner which is slightly belied by her eyes which are completely failing to hide a good dose of guilt mixed with quite a few drops of fear.

Jet would never be a good actress.


thatsortofaman April 20 2008, 19:35:40 UTC
"Ah.... no. Does anyone do brain surgery in an armchair? Because if they do, I would very much like to see that."

You know, for curiosity's sake. He doesn't miss that look in her eyes - he's very perceptive - but decides not to ask just now. Probably just the general brokenness of the hotel in general, and it's already been established that he can't do anything about that.


justjet April 20 2008, 19:46:15 UTC
Jet grins and shrugs "I don't know... if somebody has I hope they've filmed it or something... for word records and all that."

Ok so as it turns out Jet isn't actually that good at annoying people on purpose, especially when her friends seem to like them.

So instead she's going to take the path of completely and utterly repressing her problems... and she's just going to have a extremely nice talk instead of annoying anybody.

Without getting attached again, completely no attachment whatsoever.

Jet doesn't really know who she's kidding but she hopes it's somebody.

"So what are you completely not sulking about?"


thatsortofaman April 20 2008, 19:50:41 UTC
"I am completely not sulking about the fact that I can't find someone. Friend of mine."

He pauses, glancing down at the journal again, just for a second, and then back up at Jet.

"Name's Rose. You haven't seen her, have you?"


justjet April 20 2008, 19:55:00 UTC
"Rose?" Jet bolts upright from her slouching position "Rose has gone missing?"

Ah, and this demonstrated quite brilliantly is Jet being very attached and protective.

Probably too protective.

"No I haven't seen her, I'm guessing you haven't seen her? Well of course you haven't or else you wouldn't be asking me but..."

Jet takes a deep breath in and stops talking, right, that was embarrassing.

She really needs to chain all the people she mildly likes in one place.


thatsortofaman April 20 2008, 20:07:42 UTC
The Doctor blinks a little at the reaction to that.

"You, uh... know her then? She's got a tendency to wander off. I mean, I doubt she's gone far, but she can get in a surprising amount of trouble in a short period of time."

He'd be out there looking for her now if it weren't for the fact that he has no idea where she is, several people (alright, mostly Charlie) would be very annoyed with him, and... well, limping aimlessly around Chicago just seems like a bad idea. He doesn't think he's broken his ankle, but it hurts about as much. (Again, when assaulting random inanimate objects, try not to injure self in the process. Very important.)


justjet April 20 2008, 20:15:15 UTC
"She's a friend, for heavens sake I thought..." Jet takes a deep breath in and just about refuses the urge to slap herself "sorry, I've been a little on edge lately, well everybody has but... it's complicated."

Jet forces herself to slouch again and bites the inside of her cheek, resisting yet another urge to run off and start searching for Rose right away.

Still, the forgetting policy, works wonders and needs more practice "Did we exchange names the last time we met? I'm Jet."

Her smile isn't forced at all, honestly.


thatsortofaman April 20 2008, 22:57:49 UTC
"It's alright," he says gently. "I'm sure she's got a panic button, in case anything happens. She'll be fine." Though... okay, it's Rose. It is not a guarantee that she even thought of taking a panic button. But he doesn't need to tell her that.

"I honestly can't remember. I'm the Doctor."


justjet April 21 2008, 16:05:44 UTC
"Right, sorry... I've just been a bit cranky ever since..." Jet stops and then frowns "the Doctor as in a doctor of medicine?"

As in, do you have anything that can stop me from smelling anything ever? but she doesn't say that of course because... well she has vague memories of snapping out things like that and those things causing a big problem.

She doubts the Doctor will somehow morph into a fish thing and chase her around just outside Paris but it's always best to be prepared.


thatsortofaman April 21 2008, 21:54:21 UTC
"Not exactly." Of practically everything. That's what he told Liz the first time. He hesitates a second, frowning at her, and then offers, "If you need a doctor, though, I know one or two very good ones."

Which is why he's sitting here with a badly sprained ankle. But that's just because he doesn't want to bother anyone. Or... something like that.


justjet April 22 2008, 15:51:23 UTC
Oh and Jet definitely notices the ankle but feels charitable enough not to comment.

Another reason is that this man has something faintly different about him... and Jet tries not to be a hypocrite until she knows what she's dealing with.

"Oh, no problem... I'm sure I can find something later, I may go outside soon anyway so maybe the fresh air will help" it seems prudent at this point to point out that Jet does not know just how many smells outside can carry.


thatsortofaman April 22 2008, 15:55:03 UTC
"There you go," he says cheerfully. "Fresh air could do you a world of good." Granted, this is the man who thinks the solution to everything is to run off to some new world, fresh air or not...


justjet April 22 2008, 16:05:38 UTC
"It's my nose I'm worried about" Jet mutters bouncing to her feet and stretching, in a vastly different universe she would have probably become a friend of the Doctor at some point...

They have a similar approach to solving problems.

"Look while I'm out... shall I search for Rose? I mean what with the foot and all..." Jet does have tact, it's just that she rarely uses it.


thatsortofaman April 22 2008, 17:18:21 UTC
"There's nothing wrong with my foot," he says quickly. "I just... sort of... kicked a bench. It's fine. I'm fine."


"But if you happen to be out there, I wouldn't mind if you... kept an eye out for her? Maybe?" He looks almost pathetically hopeful. He's worried about her, but wandering around Chicago limping would get several people very upset at him for various reasons. And he just doesn't have the energy to get in another argument about that sort of thing.


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