The Party on the Green (part one) [locked to demons and their allies]

Apr 15, 2008 11:48

Finally, the day so covertly hinted at is here.

The Main Gauche Apartment Complex, which houses Elashte's party, is ridiculously new: one has the impression, walking into the garden, that it has been finished no more than a week previous, and that its construction was meticulous and expensive, and that this is far too good a neighbourhood to host an alliance of demons.

One would be correct on all counts except one: the owner of these apartments is one Demon, Elashte, and he has no qualms about letting Demonic powers tromp about on his lawns. Quite the opposite, in fact.

The complex is constructed of three rectangular buildings, each about three stories high plus basements, arranged in a triangle around a decently spacious garden. The entire complex is fenced and gated, though at the moment the gates stand open. Windows check every wall but those facing out of the triangle; the walls presented to the outside world are heavy and reinforced, though they don't look it. The garden is designed well in the triangular space; paths lead from the points between each building to a modest fountain in the centre, and there are a number of trees and flowering bushes at strategic locations. One might guess that it was an oxygen farm. One might be correct there as well; Demons take a lot of oxygen, especially in large numbers.

The party might not be lavish, but it's certainly generous. Long tables have been set up, dotted with living flowers, with dishes laid artfully out around them. Hors d'oeuvres, finger sandwiches, slices of cheese, bowls of fruit, fancy plates of crackers and dips, petit fours, pastries both savoury and sweet... on one table, resplendent with hotplates, there are two legs of lamb, three plates of roast duck, delicate portions of chicken, and large platters of cocktail shrimp. On another, guarded by a young woman who practically has "Charun" written all over her, are bottles of wine, white wine, red wine, champagne, mead for some unfathomable reason, and row upon row of various beers in glass bottles. Beneath the table, subtle in its irony, is a blue-plastic box for recycling.

It's the sort of party one plans months ahead of time. The host certainly looks pleased with himself, strolling about in an impeccable business suit among the mingling guests, making conversation here and there. Jazz music wends from a set of outdoor speakers, and the atmosphere is light.

As light as it can be when a Demon calls a party of Demons for no easily-discernible reason, that is.

{{OOC: Okay, kids, dust off your Demons. They might not have had much to do, what with so much of the game plot being locked down in the basement or in Calisto's warehouse. You ready? That's all gonna change XD.

Feel free to mingle, talk to others, etc. It's a Demon networking party! Of sorts.}}

lola adair, elashte*, kate hunt, eric delaflote

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