You see...See what can't be seen....

Apr 11, 2008 12:22

Rose has learned there are a few things in her life that are distinctly not friendly to her or her mental state of well being.

This list includes many things but right now there are three very linked, and very bad such things as bombs, hero complexes, and the Time Vortex.

Bombs. Create panic, remind her of the time she was trapped as a hostage and nearly died in the rescue attempt. Bad time that.

No, Rose. Don't focus on it. Don't focus on it.

But Rose's mind isn't in the mood to be helpful, so it skips to the next ruining thing on her list. Hero complexes. The Doctor is out there, Jack is out there and unfortunately the last thing on the list allows her to know exactly what is going on, and Rose is responding by being crumpled on the floor in some hallway, biting her arm to keep the screams quiet.

The Time Vortex. This is Rose's worst enemy right now. She's seeing events mere seconds after they happen, as her change settles into her bones. Her grip on the past is firm, and now its wriggling into her mind, getting closer to showing her things that are now. It's still connected to people she knows, and who does she know better then Jack and the Doctor?

Answer: No one. At least not in this universe.

It feels like dying. It feels like the time she was pinned under concrete, bleeding to death, screaming for peace with no peace in sight. This memory is connected to the bomb as well. It would be that the three top "Bad Things For Rose And Her Mental Stability" are in cahoots and Rose isn't strong enough to fight them.

She can see death, she sees Martha and Jack and the Doctor, all in so much pain and it overwhelms her, but she can't even pass out, because the Time Vortex won't allow it. She's going to see it all.

She sees Charlie running to aid the Doctor and she sends her heart with him, praying for the people out there.

The pain rises in another crest and Rose screams, muffling it by biting down on her arm, riding this out as best as she can.

She bloody well hates bombs, hero complexes and the fucking Time Vortex.

penelope widmore, rose tyler

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