Tyler's not sure what's going on. He feels breathless as he comes to. The last thing he remembered was passing out after a transformation. His mother is supposed to be helping him help rescue Caroline. But his mother isn't here. And this definitely isn't the caverns beneath the Lockwood estate either
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Jeremy shoves his hands into the pockets of his jeans as Tyler grabs hold of it. It's good to cover him up somewhat, and he grimaces at the question. He has no idea how people from home keep ending up here, all at once, but he stifles the confusion and paranoia to focus on the question.
"We're in Chicago," he says, starting with the easier question. "A rift is... a break in time and... space, universes or whatever. I don't really get it either, and I'm betting... you just fell through."
If he has no idea what's going on, it's the only thing that makes sense.
"I'm sorry, man. There's... no way back." And Jeremy's had months to deal with that issue.
He hasn't hung out with Tyler in a long while, ever since he went through the werewolf stuff, but both of their lives are so busy. It doesn't really give them time for just hanging out, having friends. Plus, their whole broship is complicated by a lot of things like how Jeremy used to be attack-happy over the whole Vicki issue.
He's grown since then though. They both have, and he's not going to abandon Tyler to the cold.
And then he didn't even get to do that. He's stuck in this stupid place instead while who knew what was happening to her. And it sucks. Majorly. To say he's annoyed is an understatement to say the least. Especially considering how the werewolf gene likes to conveniently amp up things like aggression.
"There has to be a way home, I can't stay here Jeremy," He says rather insistently. Because he can't.
He hasn't hung out with Jeremy much since he triggered his curse. There had been too much going on at home. And then he had left Mystic Falls for a while and even after he came back there was always one thing after another going on. Their lives were many things, but boring was never one of them. Still, he trusts the other boy enough to at least speak what's really bothering him.
"I have to go home. I have to help Caroline. There has to be something we can do. If a time space whatever grabbed us there has to be like some way to get us back right? Isn't that how it's supposed to work?"
He senses the annoyance, and he understands though he doesn't realize why it's there to that extent either. When he'd fallen through, luckily no one was in trouble other than Damon and that doesn't have the same level of dire need to find as Caroline being in trouble.
Jeremy winces at what Tyler says, and he looks apologetic. "I've been here six months, and Elena's been here a year, Tyler..."
If there's a way back, they are a long way from finding it, and Jeremy would much rather stay here at this point. Chicago is a little slower on their line of terrible.
"Wait, wait, Caroline is here. She's... been here a little while, but she's here. I just went to her birthday party," Jeremy says, sliding his hands into his jean pockets. "C'mon, I can take you to where she's staying. She might not be there right now, but... you can find her and get a room and clothes."
Clothes are very important for bros to have. "What... happened to Caroline back home?"
But he doesn't think he is. It doesn't seem like he is. Which sucks. He needs to be able to go home. He needs to be ab-
Wait. Caroline's here? Well, there's something at least to be glad about out of this shitty situation.
He nods at the offer, following Jeremy. He hopes Caroline is there. He has a feeling seeing her will definitely alleviate some of the anxiety still running through him.
At Jeremy's question he frowns a little. "My Mother figured out she was a vampire and I guess knocked her out in vervain and handed her over to someone else. I hadn't gotten too many details yet. I had only barely convinced my mother to tell me anything."
And that was only after he had transformed in front of her. It's been a long night for Tyler, to say the least.
There doesn't seem to be a way back, not right now, not for the last how ever many years that people have been here. It sucks but it's the way things are, and it doesn't really suck for Jeremy anymore. He'd rather be here.
Jeremy knew that the Caroline part of it would get to him if nothing else did. He slides his hands into the pockets of his jeans as he starts in the direction of the Tower.
He winces at what Tyler says, sliding a hand behind his neck. "That's... God, I guess home never changes." Still he hopes Caroline gets out of there okay. They have no way of knowing since they're here unless someone falls through who knows. "I'm... sorry, man. Sometimes I think it would have been easier if everyone knew about vampires and werewolves back home, but then... I think about how the few who did know reacted, and..."
Jeremy decides against it. They might be able to adjust in time like Caroline's mom, but... then again, if they can't, it'd be the whole town against everyone else.
At Jeremy's words, he tenses up a little again. He still remembers the shock when he realized his mother had been vervaining his coffee, testing him. Remembers realizing that she had been behind Caroline's disappearance. Remembers what he had to do to get her on his side, finally.
"I transformed in front of her," He admits softly. "She kept going on and on about how Care was a monster, so I had to show her. Show her I was a monster too. I suppose for once I was lucky it was a full moon that night. It seems to have gotten through to her, but I know that wouldn't work with everyone."
There's a slight shrug that follows and a small smile. "So... just like home." At least here, there tends to be plenty of monsters too so people aren't completely unaware.
Jeremy looks over at Tyler. There's concern on his face along with other emotions. Beneath it all, there's a lot of hate for Mystic Falls, for what their lives were like back there. "God, that... sucks," he says, and sucks is not really enough of a word for what it is but it's all he has. "No, it wouldn't. They'd get scared." Slight pause. "You're... not a monster."
And he knows that's easy for him to say given that he's human, but monsters are Klaus, they're Damon at his worst.
"You're wrong," He argues in a matter of fact tone as Jeremy tries to deny what he is. A Monster. Tyler knows how he gets when a full moon rises. The lack of control, coherent thought. He remembers biting Damon. Almost attacking Matt and Caroline. In what way is he not a monster?
He looks over at Tyler at what he say, and Jeremy just shakes his head. It sucks that Tyler believes that, and he knows there's that monster inside of him and it's something that Jeremy won't be able to understand. "It's not all you are," Jeremy finally says. "If you were only a monster, you wouldn't have friends or Caroline or anything."
The monster wouldn't allow for it as it would want to attack and nothing else.
"Maybe. But it's a lot of who I am." At least, that's how Tyler saw it. The way he's always been impulsive to anger, barely controlled, it all came down to genetics. To the Lockwood curse. And it's only been heightened since he triggered it. He doesn't really know how else to see it.
He looks over at Tyler, and Jeremy's not sure what to say, because he doesn't know what it's like to be a werewolf or a vampire. He doesn't know what it's like to have that monster inside. "It's been like the whole town's ended up here in the last month. It was just Elena at first and then Damon. I ended up here six months ago, and then Caroline, Stefan, Katherine..." And Tyler.
If you can call that luck.
"Weird. So many of us coming in at once." Not that he really...cares too much right now. if it means he gets to see Caroline and know for sure she's okay. He kind of has a one track mind in that case right now.
Lucky for Mystic Falls, he never thought he'd hear anyone say that and he never thought he'd agree but he does. It would be that much more terrifying to have everything ripped from under him while learning about all the other supernatural stuff.
"Makes me paranoid," he admits, and it's mostly because he imagines all the people he wouldn't want falling through like Klaus. Jeremy points to the Kashtta when it's within their view. "That's the Tower up there, tall and creepy looking but free."
"I could see why. There's a few people from back home I'd rather not see show up here." He says in agreement before turning his attention to the Kashtta. "Creepy looking is right."
"Exactly what I was thinking. Really don't need Klaus showing up." Really, really. He smirks and nods as he walks up to the front o the Tower. "There are ghosts sometimes. They're harmless, but... if you see something weird floating around, you'll know what it is."
"Ghosts?" He asks. "Well, that's another new one."
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