open » when it's not worth dying for.

Oct 01, 2011 01:34

It’s late, and as far as time goes, that’s all Vicki knows. She had left Damon’s apartment some time ago with hopes of not disturbing Jeremy in the process. She isn’t sure where she wants to go; she only knows she’s sick of being there. Nothing good happens there. Nothing exciting or even the least bit interesting. It almost makes her miss Mystic Falls, even if the only relevant thing she seemed to do for fun there was get high.

She stops running aimlessly and is now walking at a steady pace with her arms folded across her chest. It’s chilly, or maybe it’s her; who knows anymore? A part of her wishes to be at the apartment, where she at least has some closure, but the other part of her, the natural rebellious part, likes it here. Being outside with the wind nipping at her skin. And she made sure she had her fill of blood before coming out, so she could at least pretend she was stable, right?

Vicki lets her mind go blank as her feet guided her to an unknown destination. Thankfully, at this hour, Chicago seemed quiet. At least that was the case where she was.

And then she sees…it and knows exactly where she had taken herself; the Tower.

It’s a new sight, but something tells her this is it. This is where a majority of the Wanderers reside. This is where she’s not supposed to be. But why would one make rules? For them to be broken. That had always been her philosophy at home, why should it change now? Jeremy didn’t even know where she was so it wasn’t like she was hurting anyone.

She takes a step nearer and feels her senses tingle.

rupert giles, mark barnes, vicki donovan, elena gilbert

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