Not much time has passed for Cassie Riddle in the time she’s been away from Chicago, only two days - to be exact. She found herself stuck in some bizzare mini-world that was almost the exact double of a gameshow she used to watch as a child called ‘Fun House’. Except this one doesn’t have nice prizes or fun games and is a lot harder than she ever
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She's not too far away, looking rather amused at Chicago's latest antics. She grins, swatting at one of the butterflies and grinning innocently.
She passes her with a scowl, clearly not happy with the creatures dancing about her head. She doesn't want the whole of Chicago to know about her personal things, thank you very much. Because they're personal. Noting Aurora's grin, Dylan stops, re-shouldering her duffel bag. "Don't know why you're so happy," she says moodily, "This is... annoying,"
She pauses to angrily swat at the butterflies about her head, she lets out a frustrated growl as they simply start chanting even louder. "You didn't do this, did you?" she asks with a sullen pout.
When she's accused of this, she arches a brow. "I would never do such a thing. Why would I?" She reaches out and snatches up one of the butterflies, cupping it between her hands before setting it free again.
"No, I think this is purely the Rift's fault."
She rolls her eyes, jutting out her lower lip moodily. "Because you liked annoying me the last time I was unhappy," she answers back, wrinkling her nose up a little. "Are you psychic or something? Because I'm not crying this time. So it's not obvious and stuff,"
She looks up and bats at the butterflies again, "I hate Chicago," she says, "And it's dumb Rift,"
"Ah," she says with a laugh, trapping yet another butterfly. "But I thought we were only having a conversation. It was a perfectly reasonable one at that. Just because you were letting your emotions get in the way does not mean it was my intent to irritate you."
The butterfly escapes her grasp and she waves to it. "As for psychic ability, I do have some but it has nothing to do with you. I just thought I would come and say hello." She bows a little. "So, hello."
She shake her head with a low grumble and twists a curl of hair around her finger. "When people are upset, they get grumpy and easily annoyed," she says quietly.
"... Hello," she says with the smallest of smiles, "Did Chicago do any bad things while I was away? I only left two weeks ago," she'll need to check on people, just in case.
She kinda upped and left without telling anyone, y'see. Because she fails at relationships. A lot.
She considers that for a moment. I wouldn't say so. Chicago seems to have calmed down somewhat. Though I don't expect it to last and anyone who does is really rather stupid."
Aurora would not judge her for picking up and going off. She keeps entertaining the notion herself but has yet to decide if she really wants to. It is a tempting thought though.
"But they're both emotions too, not just reactions," she says, tilting her head to the side with a frown.
She keeps on twisting her hair round her finger, "That's okay, people I know shouldn't be in trouble or anything." she says with some relief in her voice. "It's nice to know Chicago's been good for once. But I'm kinda sad that it's been while I've been gone, if you know what I mean. I've missed out on seeing people and doing normal things,"
She needs some normality in her life, there is too much hunting lately.
"Yes, generally speaking they are but in this case they are more reactions than emotions in and of themselves. They are a result of you being upset which, if you didn't let yourself become so, you would eliminate the other two thus your emotions are ruling you at the moment.."
She shrugs. "I suppose so. I find that traveling can be nice. Normality gets dull after a while and sometimes traveling can relieve that. Of course,, you run the risk of finding that your friends and those you care for may not be there when you get back but I think it's a worthy risk."
Aurora gets fidgety when she's bored and usually that's not a good thing for anyone involved. Bored fae = trouble for everyone.
Dylan grumbles under her breath and shakes her head, "You say getting upset.. is like a bad thing," It wasn't at all, she thinks so anyway. It's quite okay for her to get upset at Christmas. Well, okay maybe she did get a little over-board with the slaughter of an entire demon family... but still.
"In Chicago, I woulda said there wasn't much normality, really," she says with a small shrug of her shoulders. "... This travelling wasn't good," she says and then she's quiet for a long time.
It was good in a way, but it was difficult. Seeing her father felt like pouring salt on open wounds, it did so some good for her, but it hurt and she doesn't like being hurt. "I.. went home,"
"No, I suppose not but there are different degrees of normality and abnormality and I happen to find floods and such only temporarily interesting."
She arches a brow. "Home," she echoes. "Home only occasionally elicits that kind of response. Why would you go somewhere you're not fond of?"
"Interesting?" she is unsure of your thought processes, Aurora. She doesn't get how something that kills people and causes a mess of a city could be viewed as interesting. "I thought the flood was annoying,"
"Because I felt I should," she says, "I thought it would be good for me if I did, after all the stuff Chicago did to mess with our heads. It's a place I've avoided since... I.. I left.. a really, really long time ago,"
"It was a change from the norm," she explains. "That makes it interesting. It was also a bit troubling, I will admit, but it was different." Different is good in her mind, she likes different. Different isn't boring.
She just nods her head but looks skeptical. "But you said it yourself that it wasn't a good trip and you had to have some idea of how it would go. So why did you go
"Huh, I see," she says, still frowning. She kind of gets that, the angle she has. But Dylan still doesn't find it interesting herself.
"Because I had to," she tells her. "I thought it would be good inside... in the long run.." she jabs at her chest where her heart should be to emphasise her point. "I'm... I'm trying to make myself better. It felt like the right place to start. It wasn't a good trip, but it might end up being one at some point, maybe..."
She sighs and shrugs, it's complicated. "I dunno.."
She nods, listening. "Well, if you're trying to do that, trying to make yourself better, you should hardly expect it to be easy." She smiles. "Those kind of trips never are."
She's seen more than one her people do it, attempt to make themselves better, more whole. Sometimes they succeed. Sometimes they don't. She never looks down on them for it, just watches in vague amusement.
She never really understood why people needed to do those sorts of things, not really but she doesn't judge.
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