In Grant Park this afternoon, there is a horrible, six-legged beast with bright blue fur, the talons of a hawk, and the face of a wolf. Said monster has spent most of the morning and afternoon terrorizing anyone who ventures into this part of the park, chasing them down and trying to munch them up like chew toys
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"He's so PRETTTTTY!" she exclaims, crouching down to get a better look. "Is he yours? Did his fur COME like that, or did you do something to make it look like that? He's SO PRETTY. Does he have a name? Where's he from? Is he like your familiar? Are you a wizard?"
Apparently all those questions are appropriate for this moment. Hello got lost somewhere in her fascination with the monster. Sorry about that.
Matthew smiles at Trin from his spot on the bench, not even a little bewildered by the pace at which she speaks - he's had about a dozen foster brothers and sisters over the years, and plenty of them were hyperactive. "The fur's all his," Matthew says, reaching up to pat the monster on the head. "I've just been spending a bit of time getting the knots all out. We've only just met today."
The monster bends its head down to sniff inquisitively at Trin, but surprisingly, it doesn't make a move to immediately bite her. "I'm not a wizard," Matthew says, giving her a toothy grin. He tilts his head toward the creature. "I don't know about this one's name just yet, but I'm Matthew."
"He's so PRETTY!" she repeats. "God I'm so JEALOUS. Do you think my hair would look good that color?" She takes a second to look up at Matthew for confirmation, but then her focus is back to the monster.
She sniffs back at it, because she is part dog, after all, and she knows dog speak, and even if this thing isn't a dog, it's kind of LIKE a dog, or at least, Trin thinks of it like that. As a pet that this guy has, a pet she is SO JEALOUS of.
"You should name him Edwin," she declares, sitting back on her heels and nodding. Then she looks back at Matthew and smiles. "Hi. I'm Trin, Trinity McFasater really, but most people just call me Trin." This is sort of a lie, because most people call her things that she prefers not to repeat, but it's her name and she'll say people use it if she wants to! Or something.
At Trin's question about her hair, Matthew turns to give some serious consideration. "I think you could pull it off, yeah. With the right clothes you could do a whole punk rock sort of look."
The monster is a little surprised at Trin's sniffing, but after some consideration it tilts its head to let her pet him. There's no telling how long this truce will last - probably just until the monster gains its appetite back, really.
"I was thinking something a bit royal," Matthew says. "That's not a bad idea. What do you think, Edwin?" he asks the monster. It gives a little snort. "Haven't really worked out whether that's a yes or a no just yet. Bit indecisive, this one," he admits. Matthew would never call you those things, Trin! He smiles at her again and says, "It's nice to meet you, Trin. Just out for a walk, are you?"
"You really think so?" she asks. "That would be AWESOME. I wonder if my fur would be that color. It's all BLACK and STUPID and BORING when I change, so." Hi, Trin. Let's NOT be subtle about, at the very least, the fact that you change into an animal with fur. BEST PLAN.
"Aw, Edwin's a nice name for such a nice boy." She smiles, continuing the scritches as she looks up at Matthew again. "Yup, just out and about," she grins. "What about you? Just chilling in the park finding awesome pet-things?"
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