[open] and you can tell the sun in his jealous sky..

Jan 23, 2011 14:51

[OOC: Just to let everyone know, Cassie is backdated to the thirteenth. Everyone else is on the current date. :)]

On the thirteenth, it is Cassie Riddle’s twenty-third birthday. In the early morning, she is up on the roof of Kashtta, playing guitar. She’s singing a pretty little folk song she was fond of from back home to the skies of the ( Read more... )

iris fortner, doyle, jim kirk, dylan, david hansen, cassie riddle, robert capa, rain, lola hernandez, mio hongo

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sophicsulphur January 23 2011, 20:24:03 UTC
Iris is pretty much jumping at the chance to bake cake with one of her closest friends. After all, cake and friends are two of the things she does best, alchemy notwithstanding. And right now, she's still struggling to get back up to speed on that last part, so what better way to spend an afternoon than indulging in the former two? Especially given it's an occasion. She's never one to take an important festival lightly, whether that festival is personal or otherwise.

She's brought her own ingredients, just in case Cassie needs them, though when she walks in and sees Cassie's flour-covered form she laughs and says, "Well, I can see I didn't need to bring any extra." She sets her bag down on one of the counters, and begins to fish out a few things anyway.

"Do you have enough decorations? Chocolate sprinkles? Small sparkly things? Large sparkly things? Things that sort of tingle in your mouth and make your head feel fuzzy?" She holds up something that looks a little like a large konpeito. It's clear that not everything Iris has brought ( ... )


starryeyed_cass January 26 2011, 10:27:42 UTC
Cassie looks up at Iris with a grin and stops stirring for a moment to wipe her hands down the apron she’s got on. “Hey, Iris,” She looks down at herself and laughs, she didn’t quite believe she was covered in flour this much. Oops. “Ahh, no - the more stuff we have, the more cake there is for everyone!” she tells her with a nod.

She pauses for a moment and looks down at what she’s bought herself, “Erm, I’ve got hundreds and thousands and I’ve gotten lots of food colouring to make different coloured icing with,” She holds up the tiny bottles holding red, green, blue and yellow liquids in them. She’ll be able to mix them together to make more colours too! “But I could do with more,”

Cassie watches as Iris fetches out the items with curiosity and frowns at the last thing she brings out. She’s never seen anything like that before. “What on earth is that?”


sophicsulphur January 26 2011, 18:36:46 UTC
Iris laughs out loud when Cassie evinces surprise. Looking at it, the thing is pretty startling, and she can't help finding it funny too. "It's a-- well. I haven't actually decided what I call it yet. But try a piece." She breaks off one of the knobbly parts and holds it out to Cassie. "It's a thing that tingles in your mouth and makes your head feel fuzzy. I just brought all the sweet supplies I had, though I don't really think this will fit on a cake. Although you could crumble it in a cake ( ... )


starryeyed_cass January 28 2011, 19:48:36 UTC
Cassie raises her eyebrows, "Huh, weird," She takes the chunk of sweet offered and frowns at it for a moment before cautiously putting it in her mouth. And after a few moments, she feels a sudden shudder of sugar rush. She blinks at the brief moment of sugary bliss and shakes slightly.

"Woah, now that's something," she utters with a slightly tipsy grin. "It's like a sugar bomb!" She giggles and nods her head, "Yeah! Sugar bomb! Maybe that's what you should call it!"

She laughs again at her friend's stumble, and nods her head again as she looks at the bottles in her hands. "I think if we put it in the mixture right, we could even make rainbow cake," That sounds like a good idea actually, "Like, you separate the mixture and add colouring to it, then pour it in the backing dish in layers - it'll be like a rainbow!"

At her question, she pauses for a moment in thought, "Well, on top - icing and then we could make some patterns on top with all the sweets and stuff you've brought!"


sophicsulphur January 28 2011, 20:43:19 UTC
Iris nods enthusiastically at Cassie's suggestion. "That's a great name!" she says, grinning widely. Her head still feels the slightest bit fizzy, but that's fading quickly now. "You think of all the best ideas. Like rollercoasters. And pretty lights. --Hey, is it gonna be warmer soon? I really want it to be warmer! I mean, not that I don't like the snow, but... I really wanna go on a coaster!"

No, that isn't Iris on a sugar rush, Cassie. This is just Iris' normal level of babble. Don't mind it.

"Huuuh... rainbow cake!" She smiles and nods again, glancing over the bottles one more time. "Yeah, that'd definitely work. With these, we could definitely make orange, and purple.... It's a brilliant idea!" She claps her hands together in excitement. "Let's start it! This is gonna be the best cake ever!"


starryeyed_cass January 28 2011, 21:11:51 UTC
Cassie looks down and smiles bashfully at her comment, a little flustered by the compliment. She'll always get like this. She laughs softly and shakes her head, "I hope so - I'm getting sick of the cold now. The snow, I like, but not the cold," she tells her.

"But I don't know when exactly it'll get warm again - I don't know what American weather is like," She hopes it's soon. She really does want to go soon! When Saul's better - they would definitely be able to have a fun day out.

"It'll look really, really pretty when it's done," Cassie confirms with a nod, "Right, this mixture still needs.. eggs!" she tells her. "Then, once it's all mixed up - we can put it in separate bowls and add colour," And then she remembers, "Also, the buns I put in the oven should be nearly done too - we can decorate them once they're cool!"


sophicsulphur January 28 2011, 21:18:11 UTC
"Snow is great," Iris agrees. "I really kinda wish we could've kept that kite. I wanna crash-land into a snowdrift again!"

Not that she won't get to, soon enough. When she has her own wings, she'll be able to crash-land into snowdrifts as often as she wants. The thought is exciting. Still, maybe a kite would help her get off the ground. It sounds slightly easier than jumping from the top of a building, though she'll do whatever it takes.

"Eggs, right!" She rummages through her bag and holds out a couple. They're a creamy colour, and patterned with dark brown swirls: clearly not of the chicken variety. If Iris notices this, she doesn't say anything. "How many? I've got about six."

The narration apologises, Cassie. Making a cake with Iris was never going to be straightforward.


starryeyed_cass January 28 2011, 21:40:20 UTC
Cassie raises her eyebrows at her, "Oh no, that kite spelt trouble - most stuff that comes through the rift usually is," there's a cringing smile at her lips as she says this. "It's probably still floating around somewhere..."

It's what she thought about her powers when she first got them. An unwanted gift that has only caused her more grief than thought possible. It's been a slow process of trying to accept them now, but she's getting there.

Cassie can't help but frown at the eggs, "Are those duck eggs..?" They're definitely not chicken. Definitely not. They've got swirls on them! "I've never seen those before,"

Confused Cassie is confused.


sophicsulphur January 28 2011, 21:48:50 UTC
Iris just tilts her head and smiles in slight confusion at Cassie's comment about the kite. It didn't seem threatening at all, to her. In fact, if she ever sees it around again, she's going to be sure to thank it for the fun time they had. After all, they didn't get hurt from it, and just because it's magical is no reason to think it's bad.

She doesn't respond, though, instead addressing the girl's other question. "Oh, no, these?" she says, tossing one in the air and catching it backhanded, then giggling a little at her trick. "Cockatrice eggs. I found a nest that had been abandoned, out in the woods in Grant Park. They're really yummy. At least if you know how to prepare them properly." She grabs a bowl, screws her eyes tightly shut, and holds the egg against the rim, poised to crack it. "Cover your eyes."


starryeyed_cass January 28 2011, 22:06:31 UTC
Cassie frowns, peering at the eggs suspiciously, "What on earth's a Cockatrice?" She's never heard of that kind of bird before. She's heard Cockatoo before, but isn't that a kind of budgie or something?

She hovers for a moment, she can't help but feel a little uncertainty about this. This certainly isn't the kind of baking she's ever done before. She needs to keep telling herself that this is no longer Chicago. There probably isn't such a thing as 'normal baking' any more.

She notices Iris' eyes tightly shut and she quickly closes her eyes and presses her hands against her face - which will probably leave massive hand prints across her eyes. "Erm, right," she utters, "Okay, I've got them covered!"


sophicsulphur January 28 2011, 22:09:44 UTC
Once Cassie's protected, she brings the egg down hard on the rim of the bowl. There's an almighty bang, like a firecracker going off, and a puff of bright, glittering powder bursts out from the egg. She waves her hand in the air above the bowl to dissipate it, then, after she's sure the powder's settled, opens her eyes just the tiniest crack.

"Whew! There," she says, only now trusting herself to open her eyes all the way. "You can uncover your eyes now, it's safe. Just, that stuff can turn you to stone, if you look at it. Only for a little while though. I had it happen once, it's kind of weird. You feel all... granite-y."

She grins, not seeming fazed by this revelation in the slightest. "It's really worth it, though. This cake will taste amazing. So how many did you say again?"


starryeyed_cass January 28 2011, 22:50:14 UTC
Cassie jumps, uttering a small squeak of surprise at the bang. She keeps her hands firmly pressed against her closed eyes - she won't admit she's a little scared of what's going on. When Iris gives to all clear, she moves her hands away a little hesitantly - leaving two faded white patches over her eyes.

She peers at the bowl curiously, "Huh.. it wouldn't turn you to stone when you eat it, will it?" she asks with a nervous chuckle - a small smile at her lips. Weird baking is rather weird.

"Erm, two should be fine," she tells her - her hands ready to cover her eyes again.


sophicsulphur January 28 2011, 23:08:30 UTC
"Oh, no," she insists, laughing again. "And the cake won't be heavy as stone, either. It'll be super-light and fluffy. Trust me." And that's about all the reassurance you're going to get, Cassie ( ... )


starryeyed_cass January 29 2011, 00:03:03 UTC
Cassie moves her hands from her eyes after Iris cracks the second egg and allows herself a laugh, "Well that's good, it'll be really hard to get it to people if it did," she tells her with a small grin, "I'm gonna save a piece for Saul for when he's better. It'll be stale enough, so he can eat it without it draining his powers,"

She looks into the bowl again, bloody weird eggs these are. But if Iris reckons they'll be alright - she'll just go along with it. She laughs and begins to stir the mix in, listening as Iris talks.

"Baskilisk? Isn't that the snake-thing off Harry Potter?" she asks with a frown. The film had come out years ago and she'd went to see it with her friends. She's not the biggest fan of it - she's not big on the fantasy and science fiction, but everyone seems to like Harry Potter. Even Cassie.

"There was this big snake like thing called a Baskilisk and it turned everyone to stone. Well, it petrified them and stuff if you looked at it," It was something like that, anyway.


sophicsulphur January 29 2011, 00:18:11 UTC
Iris pauses in her sorting of the candied toppings as Cassie mentions Harry Potter. That part of her sentence didn't quite parse somehow.

"Yeah, that's pretty much a basilisk, but... what does that have to do with Harry?" she asks. "Do you know him? He's a friend of mine too. I guess our worlds are pretty similar, so he'd probably know what they are. I was pretty pleased to find them here. Makes converting some of my recipes into Chicago-style a lot easier." Though when she says recipes, she's talking about alchemical ones. And when she says Chicago-style, she means what you do when you're suddenly thrown into a world without Dunkelhites and Pendelooks.


starryeyed_cass January 29 2011, 12:18:38 UTC
Cassie pauses for a moment, her lips poised as if to speak. There's a look of confusion on her face. Harry Potter is her friend? How can that even be possible. She knows this is Chicago, but fictional characters... really?

"Um.. Harry Potter is a fictional character," she says carefully, still utterly bemused, "Back in my world, this woman wrote a book series about this Wizard called Harry Potter who goes to a school for Wizards and Witches called Hogwarts. And they even made a film series from the books,"

She ruffles the hair on the side of head almost awkwardly, leaving flour as she does, "He's... he's like... a world-wide famous fictional character. The book series about him is the most popular in this generation,"


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