[OOC: Okay, so the first section is a bit tailored and QUITE timey-wimey, as I'm not actually sure what day the Mio & Roxis meetings went down. But feel free to have it be backdated, forward-dated, not-actually-on-the-same-day-as-each-other-at-all, etc. To Kaden, it'll have happened on the same day, but I doubt that anyone's going to be like 'so
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"Hello, Minoru," Mio says. "Happy new year. These are for you." She holds out the box to Kaden, not sure where to put it down considering the sheer amount of stuff on the table.
"Well," she says, "if you're a nerd and a workaholic, I must be one as well. I'm dreadfully curious about your research. Of course you can't breach patient confidentiality to give me specifics, but surely you can give me a topical overview of the theory." Mio gives Kaden what most people might assume is a winning smile, but in this concept is a bit more akin to a shark-grin. "You're cog psych, not clinical, right?"
Notice how she's managed to redirect the conversation away from the topic of Torchwood.
So he sets the coffee down, matching her shark-grin with his own. They both know this game too well to be fooled by the other. "Nothing wrong with either," he says, "and nice dodge, there." That'd be his way of saying it wasn't a nice dodge at all. He's tapping out a staccato rhythm on his mug, now; it's still hard to keep still. "I dabble in everything, but my main interest is the cognitive differences between angels and demons, to be perfectly honest. Though my work is mostly analyzing survey results and I pretty much teach gen eds." At least, that's what he and Biosys would have everyone think. The latter, at least, is true.
Mio gives him another grins with too many teeth as he mentions her dodge. "Just testing the waters," she says. "I don't give out information for free, after all. As for what I do for Torchwood, it's mostly boring administrative stuff. Equipment requisitions, making sure the kitchens in the Kashtta don't run out of food, that sort of thing. Not particularly exciting, but Torchwood's responsible for housing and feeding most of the Wanderer community now, so someone's got to do it. Martha Jones's people do what they can, especially now that things are settled down, but they don't have the bureaucratic infrastructure that Torchwood does." Not that Torchwood has much of a bureaucratic infrastructure either, really, but she's not telling Kaden that.
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