[semi-locked] It's in your eyes, a colour fade out//Looks like a new transition

Nov 14, 2010 06:34

[[OOC: Locked to Phoebe Donovan, forward-dated to Monday]]
Mio and Phoebe have been sent on a mission for Torchwood to check out the ruins of the Neverending Hallway in what was formerly the Conrad's basement. They've been down there for about an hour or so, taking readings with various sensors and seeing what little in the way of personal belongings when they can rescue when Mio's PINpoint watch makes a sudden insistent beeping noise.

"Damn it to the Infinite Labyrinth of Islintik!" Mio swears. "I am going to take the Rift and shove it up its own non-Euclidean ass and make a Klein bottle out of it!"

[[OOC: Open! Forward-dated to Monday evening, after Mio and Phoebe get back]]
Later that evening, once Phoebe and Mio have dealt with Rift shenanigans, Mio is at the bar Jo works at drinking a Shirley Temple and desperately wishing it was alcoholic. Unfortunately, after her loss of control last month she is not going to risk touching anything alcoholic for fear of it messing with her shields. Not being able to drink was one of the worst thing about being a psychic, she swears. After the Rift's been fucking around with with you all day, the very least you should be able to do is get very, very drunk as consolation. Should be a fucking human right.

Please, someone ask her about her day. Mio would love to do a little bit (or a lot) of bitching about it.

[[OOC: Open! Timey-wimey-dated to whenever you feel like.]]
Luka has been trying to teach herself how to cook recently! She's been reading cookbooks and recipes on the internet and has decided to try one out today. So she's in the Kashtta's kitchen, attempting to bake chocolate chip cookies. The narration says attempting, because it's not exactly going very well. It's not a complete disaster, but there's a light dusting of flour over everything in a ten-foot radius of Luka, and her dough is lumpy and uneven because she's trying to mix it by hand instead of using an electric mixer.

With a little assistance, this could turn into a perfectly reasonable batch of cookies. If no one comes in time...well, Luka'll probably need help trying to eat the slightly odd-tasting results.

phoebe donovan, jo harvelle, robin rice, csp-04, mio hongo

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