remember your lovers who gave you more than love.

Aug 27, 2010 16:56

[ooc: I am sorry for spamming the comm, guys. >< But this might be the last weekend or week in general where I'll get to tag heavily, with school/work on the way. So I...decided to be crazy and make a multi-pup post. Tag in as many times as you'd like, with as many characters as you'd like! It's open like burning. ♥]

Anne Hamilton is wandering the streets of Chicago late at night. If she looks lost and on the verge of tears, it's probably because she is. A dispute with her father led to his using his Glaysa powers on her. It's difficult to think or speak with the cloud of guilt and fear swirling around in her chest--it's also difficult to notice oncoming traffic.

Jo Harvelle works at a bar. This is nothing new. Her late night shift has just begun, and this is nothing new, either. What is new is the man with a saxophone at the far back of the room, playing Nature Boy. If you've been needing a drink, Jo's your gal and she'll hook you up.

Josef Soltini knows how to clean up a mess. He's fresh off a kill, and no one would be able to tell. However, this is the first kill he literally had no control over and honestly had no desire to partake in. He's sitting on the front steps of a church (how utterly ironic), looking like someone has punched him in the gut.

Rachel Dawes is stuck in a broken elevator (any elevator), perhaps with your character so she can have some company. Regardless, Rachel does not want to spend her evening stuck in an elevator. Especially not when she was at the bookstore previously and finally bought herself a copy of The Dark Knight out of morbid curiosity. She is staring at it intently as it sits on her lap.

Wes Gannon roams the Kashtta halls, just in case anybody needs him. He's hoping he doesn't run into a ghost. Not that he'd be freaked out about a ghost. The creepy doesn't bother him. He laughs in the face of this Tower's creepy. Not really.

Phoebe Donovan was trying to break into her old apartment downtown. She has Legitimate Reasons, okay? Only thing is, it's resulted in her getting stuck in the half-open window. The window does not want to budge. Whoever walks past the ten-story building will only see Phoebe's legs flail about. She is wearing a skirt. Awkward.

Julian Cuevas has spent the past two months trapped in a perceptostatic Rift. He will be very pissed when he finds out he's lost two months worth of time, and in that time, Chicago has gone to the crapper again. First he has to deal with the three-headed dog charging toward him.

And finally, meet Sasha Covitzch, Chicago. She's new to the city and was brought to it courtesy of Elashte. She was asked to play nice and she will--unless she is provoked. A jackass catcalling every female passing by the street and grabbing her ass? Is a good enough reason for Sasha. She's currently twisting his arm at his his back.

meggie, xander harris, miles straume, martha jones, millie, debra morgan, rachel dawes, josef soltini, sasha*, shawn spencer, wes gannon, dmitri lang, elizabeth jules, monsters, dean winchester, leonard mccoy, iris fortner, ryo kanzato, anne hamilton, robin rice, jo harvelle, jim kirk, castiel, ianto jones, phoebe donovan, kenzie douglas, fletcher hadley, david hansen, julian cuevas, bela talbot

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