See I was on the verge of breaking down. Sometimes silence can seem so loud

Aug 19, 2010 01:32

[OOC: Over a year ago, I made a post with all 14 of my characters that almost reached 925 comments. I only have 8 characters now, but lets see how far that goes. :D Feel free to tag in. Multiple times with one character or with multiple chars. It's open for forever. And I know there have been a lot of posts lately but I haven't made one in over a ( Read more... )

meggie, spencer reid, xander harris, martha jones, millie, lilly rush, rachel dawes, captain jack harkness, harry potter, wes gannon, danny smalls, elizabeth jules, leonard mccoy, cassie riddle, iris fortner, owen harper, anne hamilton, robin rice, jonathan stens, jane, david hansen, just rafe

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tempered_scars August 19 2010, 07:57:32 UTC
A piece of debris scraped against Wes Gannon's arm, and white blood is pouring out of it. It doesn't hurt, not really. He's sustained injuries that are far worse.

The people screaming and running left and right don't faze him much, either. It's horrible, and he's sorry for the people that have died, but it's another day in Chicago, really.

Wes picks up the object David banged his head with.

"Easy there," he says, carefully standing back up. He recognizes David. Without the beard, there's a chance he might not recognize Wes back. "You okay?"


blazetodefine August 19 2010, 08:16:19 UTC
David blinks. He does not recognize Wes at first, especially when the world is spinning around him. He presses his hand against his forehead, closes his eyes.

"I'm okay," he says, and then winces as pain rips through his head. He presses his fingers against the bump that's forming where the item hit. "Hurts a little but..."

He looks at him then. There's something about him that seems... like he ought to...

"You look... familiar."

Like your dead girlfriend.


tempered_scars August 19 2010, 08:26:13 UTC
Wes looks around, making sure there's no one else in their immediate vicinity that's in grave danger. One he decides the coast is clear, he focuses back on David.

"Yeah, we've met," Wes says to him. He scratches the back of his head, foot kicking pieces of the shipwreck away from them. "I'm Wes. We both had rainclouds over our heads for a day."

He stretches his hand out, offering it to David.

"Slowly now, we don't want ya gettin' too dizzy."



blazetodefine August 19 2010, 08:41:59 UTC
"You're-- But you used to look..." David hesitates as he stares at him. "You shaved your beard."

It makes Wes look younger, which is why David did not recognize him at first.

David takes the offered hand, because he needs it. There's a certain level of confusion in his head, and he can't sort anything out. It might be from that blow.

"You're bleeding," he says as he looks at Wes' arm.

David is a guardian at heart. He protects the people around him. He's perceptive, and he notices things like that injury of Wes', but he allows Wes to pull him wherever he might like.

There's a ship behind him, and it's crushed plenty of people under it, killed them even.


tempered_scars August 19 2010, 15:33:19 UTC
Wes releases a low laugh, despite the situation. The hand he isn't holding out runs over the smooth surface of his jaw and he nods. "Yeah, decided it was time for a change," he says, meaning it in more ways than one.

You're bleeding.

Wes lifts a brow. "You're bruising," is what he says to David in response. He's perceptive and protective of the people around him, too. The bump forming on David's skin hasn't gone unnoticed.

He wants to ensure a concussion isn't on the way.

Sorry, David. Wes is also a guardian at heart, and he's had decades to nurture the fact.

He lifts David up easily, removing him from the wreckage. He wiggles three fingers in front of David. "How many of 'em am I holdin' up?"


blazetodefine August 19 2010, 17:09:53 UTC
"That's... probably a good decision," David says, because it seems like the thing to say and the words are kind of coming out of his mouth. This is what happens when one gets hit with a falling object. "Even if I have never liked change."

He winces with his hand against that bump on his head, which is swollen.

You're bruising.

"Yeah, something... hit me on the head."

It's harder than he'd like to admit to focus on those fingers, but he sees them. "Three," he says with another wince. It's a shooting, bright pain through his forehead. He looks back at the boat. "You ever seen anything like that before? A boat coming out of a... a Rift?"


tempered_scars August 19 2010, 17:34:30 UTC
"Sometimes you got no choice," Wes says, smiling a little. He's amused, as true as the sentiment is for him. He does think it was a good decision, but he's pretty sure David's got no clue what he's saying about now.

"Somethin' pretty big." He motions to the fallen object he pushed out of the way before it could do any more damage.

He nods definitively, satisfied by the answer. It takes a while to come, but it comes and it's the right one. Long as he keeps the boy awake Wes is pretty sure he's gonna be fine.

"I've seen a lot of things come out of a Rift, but never a boat," he admits, glancing back at it once David does.

David looked pretty pale and worried, so Wes won't stop worrying just yet. "Come on. Bike shop's only a few blocks down. Let's get ya an ice pack and some aspirin."


blazetodefine August 19 2010, 19:05:20 UTC
David doesn't have a clue what he's saying right now. It's true. It doesn't really seem to stop him from talking either. "You usually don't... get a choice, which is the worst kind of change."

He glances at the object on the ground, not really registering it as what hit him.

Yes, David will be fine. He hasn't taken many hits to the head (yet), but he is not delicate either. He can handle it.

Never a boat. And all those people smashed under it, because... because a boat falls through a Rift. "It makes sense why people blame wanderers for what goes wrong here. It's no one's fault. It's not their fault, but the Rifts bring trouble and disappear again. But you can see the boat. You can point your finger at the boat."

He may be talking gibberish, but he is making too much sense. David nods when he says they should go to his bike shop. The nodding hurts too, but at least he wasn't smashed under the boat.


tempered_scars August 19 2010, 21:04:33 UTC
"Once the change comes and you can't stop it, it's your choice where you go from there. Takin' control back ain't easy, but it's simple," Wes says. David might not have a clue what he's saying, but Wes can't help but try to see it in a better light. The lone conversation they've had is fresh on his mind, and he wonders if the change he speaks of has to do with their calling ( ... )


blazetodefine August 19 2010, 23:41:52 UTC
David doesn't have a clue what he's saying, but that doesn't mean he won't remember what Wes says later. Maybe later when he's hating some change in his life. He doesn't know if he's talking about the calling or if he's just talking... about life, about whatever comes out of his mouth ( ... )


tempered_scars August 20 2010, 01:30:00 UTC
It was very daw-worthy, and Wes is yet again bristling. The narration is quieting him once again.

"Maybe so," he agrees. There isn't much Wes is scared of now. Then again, he's over eighty, and everything he could have possibly dreaded has come true for him. Save the death of a ward, and he can't stomach the thought and never lets it enter his mind.

"The trick lies in how you channel that fear. If it stops you, or it turns into a handy tool."

Wes looks down at his arm. It's not pretty, the wound, but he's closing it up neatly. "I've gotten a lot of practice," he admits to David. "I'm over eighty and I've lived in a lot of places like Chicago. Comes with the territory. First aid is good to know. So's the rest, especially around these parts."

He stops mid-stitching to assess David.

He doesn't seem like he's anywhere near falling unconscious, which is a good thing. "It ain't that hard if ya got a steady hand." Since he doesn't want David to move, Wes stands up and sits on the chair closest to David.

"Come on, I'll teach ya a few


blazetodefine August 20 2010, 06:30:57 UTC
Apologies, Wes. The narration does not mean to make you bristle so much ( ... )


tempered_scars August 20 2010, 20:06:39 UTC
"I guess everyone has their own way, but me? I keep remindin' myself of everything that's more important to me than that fear. My family, the people I love, things that make the fightin' worth giving a damn about. I focus on that and I don't remember fear ( ... )


blazetodefine August 21 2010, 00:45:50 UTC
David nods at the explanation. It makes as much sense as anything does in his current state. Maybe he'll think about it later. Maybe he'll figure out how to not be so scared. He doesn't know if he can or if he can't, but he'll try. He'll try because you can't live scared in a place like Chicago. You wouldn't be living at all then.

He hasn't felt much anger in his life. The anger that he has had has been centered toward his father almost entirely. It's an overall foreign emotion to him, but this city knows how to teach people to be angry.

Someday he'll look Wes in the eye, but that will be a really, really bad day. David tries not to think about it too much.

He is able to focus, and it becomes easier to focus as Wes goes on, describing it all. David hopes he'd be able to do it if he ever got put in that situation.

"Did someone teach you how to do that too or did... you just figure it out on your own after getting cut on the arm too many times?"


tempered_scars August 21 2010, 03:10:43 UTC
Wes winces faintly as he finishes the stitching, having given David as much of a detailed explanation as he can without it being overwhelming.

Keep it simple, stupid is kind of his motto.

"A little bit of both," he says with a laugh. He gets up and walks over to the fridge. When he returns it's with two sodas and he hands one to David. "An Archangel picked me up off the streets a good while back."

Wes lifts a brow and his lips twitch. "I'm eighty years old, so that really is a while back. He taught me a great deal but there's nothin' like the firsthand experience. And I got a lot of experience in the battlefield."

He places the suturing kit back on the table and looks David over.

"You feelin' any better?"


blazetodefine August 21 2010, 06:26:09 UTC
David notices that wince when Wes finishes the stitching. He doesn't think he can handle pain that well, but he wonders if it comes with experience.

If that's the case, he doesn't want to have a higher pain tolerance.

He takes the soda with a quiet thanks, ducking his head until his bangs slide out in front of his face. "An Archangel. Like my dad," David says with a smile that's not really a smile. His dad always makes him feel a bit sick to talk about. "I remember you... told me about him. Last time."

Not a lot. He has a slow sip of his soda, and he looks up at the age. "You're... eighty? You don't... You don't seem that old," he says. "I mean... I don't mean just look wise. I know old angels, and they're... They're not like you ( ... )


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