with my head on the ledge, that's what you get out on the edge.

Aug 18, 2010 18:25

Dean is not having a good day. In addition to dealing with some of the stupidest customers the Luna Bar has ever seen, he woke up this morning to find himself surrounded with a small entourage of paper cranes. They're multi-colored and terribly crafted, and despite Dean's numerous attempts, they won't go away. He's done everything short of taking a shotgun to them, and that might actually be the next step. For now, though, he has to work.

Meanwhile, there is an Anya-bunny on the loose in the Kashtta Tower. She shifted just as she was heading off to the cafeteria for some food - and not carrots, thank you, despite her sudden appetite for them -, and she hasn't been able to shift back. She's far from where she started, since every time the shift happens the bunny decides it wants to hop! and sniff! and do what bunnies do! This only proves Anya's theory about bunnies being evil. So there's a tiny, grey and white fluff ball sniffling pathetically indignantly around the Tower, trying to find her way back to her room. Watch your feet, Tower residents.

And finally, in Grant Park, Debra Morgan has just arrived in Chicago. She stepped out of the lieutenant's office in Miami, Florida after being promoted to detective, happy and proud and teary-eyed, and instead of the police station she found herself - here. In a park. Where there are no palm trees or beaches or any landmark remotely resembling anything she's used to. She's a bit frantic, more than a little confused, and cursing up a storm. Be sure to give her a warm welcome, Chicago! Although she'll probably curse you out either way. All apologies to those with sensitive ears.

meggie, martha jones, millie, jo harvelle, debra morgan, castiel, anya, sam winchester, elizabeth jules, wes gannon, dean winchester

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