How long am I supposed to wait?

Aug 08, 2010 19:19

Miles Straume doesn't know much about the Gauche yet. He knows he has a rather nice room, considering it's free, with a balcony overlooking a nice garden area. But he's stayed in his new home for six days now - he's been in Chicago for a whole week, holy shit - and that's still about all he knows. He hasn't really done much in the meantime but be fucking depressed, in all honesty. He may or may not have obtained and consumed a good deal of alcohol in the past week. Everything is just shit right now.

But it's been a week and he wants to actually, you know, do something with himself now. Or at least try to. So he decides he'll get to know the Gauche a bit better. He hasn't even met any of his neighbors yet. He's not the type of person to head to a fitness or music room, so he decides to check out the grounds a bit more thoroughly. He's standing near the fountain, contemplating if it would be in bad taste to throw in a penny and wish for all of this bullshit to end, when someone walks up to him.

Leonard McCoy is on his way to meet Iris for a lesson in healing. He's walking through the lobby of the Kashtta, from the room he'd just been assigned to, when someone yelps in pain. He spins around to see someone lying on the floor; presumably they tripped, but they haven't gotten back up yet. Well, fuck. It didn't take long before opportunities to get back to his job are literally falling in front of him. He kneels down next to them without hesitation.

"Are you alright?" he asks. "I'm a doctor. I can help."

Iris will have to wait a little longer. Then McCoy will be on his way to her room.

iris fortner, miles straume, kenzie douglas, elizabeth jules, leonard mccoy

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