I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

Aug 05, 2010 16:25

He’s standing there before the ‘gate, waiting for the other shoe to drop (because you can never trust a bad guy, much less damn snake), and right on cue, the ground starts to tremble. That’s the first sign. It’s not so obvious at first, and Jack thinks he might just be imagining it, but as he turns around, dust starts falling from the ceiling and ( Read more... )

iris fortner, leonard mccoy, jack o'neill, francis barnam

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sophicsulphur August 5 2010, 20:36:16 UTC
"You're okay." Iris wants to comfort him, before anything else. She's not really sure how true it is that anything about Chicago, this city that eats people and thrives on their chaos, is actually okay, but unlike a certain someone, that isn't going to be the first thing she tells people.

This is only the second person who's fallen through a Rift right in front of her, albeit in as many days - she wonders for a brief moment if the crystal she turns in her hands is drawing them somehow, even though it's not even charged yet, or if there are just that many - but she's quickly getting more confident with the drill.

Knock, breathe, shine, and seek to mend.

"Here to help. Just... give yourself a moment."


nomanleftbehind August 5 2010, 22:15:05 UTC
And about two seconds after he looked up to find himself in an unfamiliar city, a young teenager suddenly materializes at his side to comfort him. You’re okay, she’s saying, even though he doesn’t know why she’s saying it yet, even though he doesn’t really want any comforting at the moment. (He doesn’t think he needs it either, but that might change in a minute or two.) What he wants right now are some damn answers.

“Look,” he says. “Thanks for the” - he makes a vague gesture with his hands - “but could you answer a question for me? This might sound a little crazy, but where is this?”


sophicsulphur August 5 2010, 22:18:26 UTC
Okay, she thinks, steeling herself. She never wants to break it to them hard, but it's clear that she won't get anywhere with this one unless she just says it straight out.

"This is a city named Chicago. And you don't sound crazy - there are a lot of people here like you. You've fallen through-- through a sort of hole in time and space, between universes."

That probably came out a little blurred together, because she's nervous and saying it fast, but she hopes he got the point.


nomanleftbehind August 5 2010, 23:24:32 UTC
There’s a pause as he processes her words, and after a very distinct and awkward silence, he says: “Fallen through a what?” And into Chicago? Sure, the girl’s no Carter - thank God for small mercies, because he really doesn’t need to be walloped in the face by technobabble and sciency talk about … holes and stuff - but his head’s still spinning from the implication of her words.

He turns around, glances right over her head to take in his surroundings. It’s been several years since he’s visited Chicago - in fact, he hasn’t been here since he joined the SGC - but if he looks closely enough, he might be able to ID some landmarks. Make sure he's not in some kind of virtual world or something similar.


sophicsulphur August 5 2010, 23:31:34 UTC
"They call it the Rift. It's like... a kind of a portal. A passage between worlds-- universes." She's speaking a little more slowly now, partly because he's giving her the time - likely because he needs the time, she imagines - and partly because she's still trying to be a calming presence.

As calming as she can be, anyway, when she's the one giving the bad news.

She gives him a moment to look around, get his bearings. She's checking her surroundings too, but unlike him, she's checking for threats, rubbing the small crystal between her fingers as a sort of a nervous tic.

"And I... know it's hard, but please try not to say it too loudly," she adds. "There are people here who don't like people who... come through."


nomanleftbehind August 6 2010, 01:17:55 UTC
Jack can feel a headache knocking on the door already. Okay, so maybe he does miss Carter, if only because then she'd provide some measure of reassurance. Hell, he’d give anything to have any member of his team here: Teal’c, Jonas, Carter ... Daniel.

“Okay,” he says. Landmarks: none that he can recognize from this angle. He walks in the direction of the weird statues. “I fell through a hole. What, is there some kind of alternate universe thing going on here that I don’t about?” He hopes there isn’t. He hasn’t had to deal with multiple realities for a while now, had hoped to keep it that way, because the last time it’d happened, it hadn’t been pretty. Even if it had ended well, there’d been a body-count, and right now? He doesn’t want to think about body-counts. (What about Abydos? he starts to think, but cuts it off. Nothing he can do for it right now.)

It occurs to him that the ‘gate had flickered, had lost its connection for a few seconds right before he stepped through. Maybe that was it. This can still be his universe, maybe he ( ... )


sophicsulphur August 6 2010, 01:26:20 UTC
She senses his slight unease, at that. She really hates doing this, hates being the one to tell them the worst, but.... "Yes... yes, it... kind of is that, I'm afraid. It's not the universe we're from, not the universe most of us are from anyway, but...."

She trails off and looks around herself, again, something tugging uncomfortably at the edge of her senses. Recent events have made her paranoid, and paranoia tends to work in unfortunate tandem with her tendency to hallucinate. The more she's convinced there might be something wrong, the more it really feels like there is. She scans the area one more time, unable to banish that niggling sense of presence from the back of her mind. She can't see anything out of the ordinary, but as she's learnt from experience, that doesn't always mean there's nothing there ( ... )


nomanleftbehind August 6 2010, 18:58:10 UTC
“How do you know that?” he says, even as he’s running through the options in his head. Hypothetical situations, possible circumstances. He learned a long time ago that you can’t just rely on hope to get you through, because once you start hoping, you’re already screwed. Keep your head on the ground, figure out a procedure, work from there ( ... )


sophicsulphur August 6 2010, 20:18:52 UTC
"Tell you everything... later," she says, between breaths. Ahd she will. She'll explain everything, or do her best at least, when they get to the Kashtta, but right now....

The swelling pressure behind her ribs is rising, and shadow-appendages flicker just beyond the edges of her sight, darting out of visibility whenever she turns her head. No time. Her heart is beating out a too-fast rhythm, and her legs aren't keeping pace.

She throws all her energy into propelling herself forward as fast as she can, the occasional quick glance back over her shoulder confirming he's still following. "Tower," she manages, her voice higher-pitched from lack of air. "Up ahead. Safe."

Not that she's technically sure this thing can't follow her there. But everyone's told her it's a safe place, and she's heard there are patrol groups or something, and maybe someone can stop it, and she'd feel awful about potentially leading something like this into Wanderer Central any other time but right now all she can think of is how that cold not-presence is going ( ... )


nomanleftbehind August 7 2010, 03:27:43 UTC
“Later?” he says as they hit the streets, and cars start screaming at them. Red light, no go, but she keeps pushing forwards anyways. The noise is deafening, and Jack’s reminded of the time he had a block of C4 detonate right next to his ear. “You don’t think now is a good time to discuss why I’m risking my life jaywalking in Chicago ( ... )


sophicsulphur August 7 2010, 03:44:46 UTC
She keeps pushing forward, not turning to look back at him right now, apologising to the shouting mob as she goes. Or babbling at them, anyway.


If they can hear her amidst the ruckus, it'll be a miracle.

Eventually, they're through the cars, still jammed up a mile back with their drivers yelling curses. The Kashtta's closer, now. Almost there. She's panting, whimpering, tears and sweat streaming down her face from the shock of just having thrown herself into the path of several speeding screaming hunks of metal manned by subsequently irate Chicagoans. And having barely realised she'd done, at the time. Nothing mattered, except getting away from-- from that.She's barely got the strength to run any more. Alchemists aren't known for their athleticism, even if she's travelled a bit more than most. But she turns around to get one last glance at Jack, and sees death's shadow over his face like a mask. Premonition, trick of the light, she doesn't have time to evaluate it. She ( ... )


nomanleftbehind August 8 2010, 02:56:45 UTC
It’s a good thing Jack has so much practice running away from bad guys hot on his tail (or just generally getting the hell out of dodge), because he’s pretty sure that’s the only thing that gets him through the Chicago traffic alive. That, or luck, but given the kind of luck that landed him here in the first place ...

A few more blocks, and it looks like they’re heading straight for an office building. It’s several stories high, looks nice and modern and squeaky clean. Nothing out of the ordinary, though, and it makes him wonder why?

But then they’re there. She shoves him through the double-doors, and he suddenly finds himself standing in the middle of an air-conditioned lobby. Stairs right smack in front of him leading up to what looks like a second balcony, a reception desk off to the left, and the cool air feels like a damn blessing after running several blocks through Chicago in the middle of the afternoon. The sweat’s pouring off him in buckets, getting into his eyes, and he swipes a hand across his forehead before turning back ( ... )


sophicsulphur August 8 2010, 03:12:17 UTC
At first, all he's going to get out of her is a string of vague, miserable noises, as she tries to pull herself back together and get the words out. She's crying, tripping, and in no small amount of shock.

As her fear recedes, however, and the sense of being hounded dissipates - of course she feels safe here, because she believes that they're safe here, and that's the kick her mind needs to get her to snap out of it - she manages to buck up, wipe her face off, and make something in the region of intelligible sounds ( ... )


nomanleftbehind August 9 2010, 04:07:34 UTC
The instant the words leave his mouth, he wants to take them back, because that’s when he finally realizes that those are tears running down her face, not (just) sweat. He mentally whacks himself upside the head - good job, Jack, you screwed up again - and winces. Wonders how he’s going to salvage this situation, and with some effort, reins in his impatience. “Okay, look,” he says awkwardly. He shifts about on his feet, unsure of how to proceed. “I’m sorry for shouting at you back there. I really am. It’s just” - he motions towards his forehead - “I’m a little confused.”

He watches as she wipes her face off and takes a few breaths to steady herself. Then, after another awkward moment during which he doesn’t know what to do, she suddenly starts talking, launching into an explanation that makes as little sense as him suddenly being in Chicago does. And what she's saying makes his skin crawl, reminds him of the damn Reetou. What's even worse is that she's obviously not lying; her panic is real, he can see that look of genuine terror in ( ... )


sophicsulphur August 9 2010, 04:24:41 UTC
She's calming herself more and more, over time. Not having that crawling presence in the back of her mind and all down her spine helps a lot. Having his expression soften and his words quieten helps some, too. Now that she doesn't feel so much like there are enemies in front of her and enemies behind, she's a bit more able to focus.

And a tiny bit proud of herself, for pulling them out of the fire back there even if it was crazy. Though, by all the gods and Mana, she doesn't want to see a car up that close again for a very long time ( ... )


nomanleftbehind August 9 2010, 18:29:26 UTC
God, he’s considering getting the hell out of here, buying a cabin in Minnesota, and settling down in the middle of nowhere in the woods. (Preferably with a lake nearby so he can fish. The fish themselves are optional.) There’s no planetary risk keeping him here, and it’s no concern of his, none of his business (not really). At least, that’s what he wants to believe, but he knows the moment she lets slip that there are terrorists in town, he’s stuck here. He can’t just leave people hanging, not when he can potentially do some good. (Though how he’s going to help anyone around here is a question he’s still asking himself ( ... )


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