double rainbow all the way across the sky [Party Post]

Jul 09, 2010 22:10

[OOC: I'm sorry for the delay! I had an unexpected baseball game to attend for work. Don't ask. This is a PARTY POST. Feel free to make up booths that are there and thread-jack to your heart's content, tag characters multiple times, post characters in a couple times at different moments throughout the fair, feel free to assume that your character ( Read more... )

xander harris, richard alpert, community building event, doyle, rachel dawes, anya, medusa, danny smalls, elizabeth jules, cassie riddle, the doctor (ten), lily evans, jonathan stens, scout, michael vaughn, sam winchester, david hansen, just rafe, clark kent, martha jones, josef soltini, harry potter, aislin benedict, dean winchester, hermione granger, trinity mcfasater, anne hamilton, chance adams, robin rice, castiel, phoebe donovan, rogue, casey webb

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touchme_n_die July 11 2010, 01:56:48 UTC
Rogue is smirking back when she catches that next time.

It turns her smirk right on into a happy smile, but she doesn't remark on it.

At the question, she thinks for a moment. "Not too crazy, no. There's been normal stuff goin' on around town, of course, but... So far as I know, things have been pretty quiet." She winces. "Doggone it. I'd hoped I'd go a whole day without needin' to." Reaching over, she knocks three times on the flat, wooden table top, then shakes her head. "I see any ladders, I'm walkin' around."

Rogue listens carefully, more so than she might in a normal conversation. He was gone for a month, and she wondered and worried. "I'm glad you're back," she says after a few moments pass. Whatever there is in his voice, she can't decipher.

She just knows there's something there.

And, she figures if he wants to tell her, he will. She's hoping he knows she'd listen if he needed an ear. "I'm gonna take a break from screwin' on lil' wheels and chasin' rugrats with seat belts. You and me are gonna go get somethin' to eat."

...There's really no way that could be classified as a question, but she sort of meant it as one.


ohboythepipes July 11 2010, 04:04:58 UTC
Danny actually laughs a little when she knocks on the wood.

"Yeah, if anything happens, I'm blaming you... and maybe thanking you." He'd like to kick some monster ass if anything shows up. It would be a nice change of pace from traveling. He's been back for a week, and he hasn't really seen anything, which is strange.

The city might just be too quiet.

It's due for... something.

She's glad that she doesn't question it. Danny has never been good at verbalizing, and he rarely sees the point in it, but it's enough to be accepted back without any questions that he can only answer with a sarcastic response or with nothing at all.

One day, the narration hopes that he'll be able to actually talk with substance and truth, and part of that process is knowing that a friend like Rogue is there, just in case.

Danny looks at her for a long while at that question that's not at all a question, and then he shrugs and nods.

"Alright." And he just might be smiling a little too.


touchme_n_die July 11 2010, 05:19:36 UTC
Rogue actually snorts. "Thankin' me, huh? I reckon you'll be the only one, but I'll take it." She'd take the blame too, though she's guessing Chicago just being Chicago can take it's own damn blame.

She's been thinking along the same lines, of the quiet being a bit too quiet. She's running out of wooden surfaces, though, so.

She looks back, blinking a couple of times, until he shrugs and nods.

Then, she's grinning like a grinny thing and pushing herself away from the post.

There is fair food here, Danny, and Rogue plans on making sure the two of you eat it all (well...not all of it.). She's also going to tell you about that badass thing she did the other day.

It was, apparently, chock full of the bad and the ass. Um...


ohboythepipes July 11 2010, 05:45:10 UTC
"Hey, Jesus, I'm the only one that really matters so," Danny sends her a smirk that's more blatant this time and a not so subtle raise of the eyebrow.

The quiet being too quiet in Chicago always means that something's about to happen. Maybe he arrived back in the city directly in time to prevent some serious disaster.

It would be nice to win some sometime.

He is going to listen happily to that badass thing and enjoy the food too. He may even be almost smiling at the end of all that telling.

"So..." he says as he tosses a plate in the trashcan and wipes his hands against his jeans. "I don't know if you ever found anybody to help you like I was... helping. Sorry for bailing, but I'll be around for awhile. If you need any more help."


touchme_n_die July 11 2010, 05:56:16 UTC
"You can't be the only one that matters. I'm JESUS." Yes, she says this a bit loud, and she gets a few 'looks', to which she smiles and waves.

"Lets hope they're not expectin' wine and fish, yeah?"

Rogue's glad to have someone to talk to who actually gets it...who gets the why and the how, though the why is admittedly what counts the most.

She follows suit, tossing her trash away, then picking it up and placing it in the trash can when she misses the first time. She's getting ready to defend her awful trash-tossing skills when he speaks, and she looks over.

She wants to tell him that he doesn't need to be sorry, that it's cool. She figures he'll understand when she finally speaks. "I need some more help, still yet."

The truth is, she hasn't been able to sit down that way with anyone, as it takes a degree of trust. So, she's mostly been doing quick handshakes here and there, and fighting without gloves. Quick stuff. This is better, and she appreciates it. "Thanks, darlin'."

Oh, Danny. You have no idea how close it just came to a hug-moment there.


ohboythepipes July 11 2010, 06:27:30 UTC
Danny smirks at the reaction of the few, and he sends them a wave of his own like he's part of her posse and it's job to wave when she waves. It's an innocent smile that he sends as well.

They're not troublemakers at all. "Yeah, you only do that trick for me."

That did not come out exactly like he'd meant it to. Oops.

He nods when she says that she needs more help. He kinda figured. For some reason, she seems to trust him and it's not always easy finding people that you can trust who are willing to hurt you too.

Danny looks at her, shrugs, and then smirks. "Lets get back to those go-karts before we find they've all come alive and run out of the ring, causing havoc wherever they go."

Hey, it's the Rift. Anything is possible. And he read Christine.


touchme_n_die July 11 2010, 07:43:20 UTC
Rogue fights the urge to crack up when he waves at the people.

It lasts until he speaks, then she manages to reply, but it's barely understandable. Somehow, "Well, of course. You're special, sugar." turns into something that sounds like a wealthy curse finding a shell for sure.


He doesn't make a big thing out of it, which she appreciates, and is unsurprised about. Danny's good with stuff like this, she's noticed.

At the remark about the go-karts, she scrunches up her face a bit. "Yeah, there's a chance that could happen, huh?"

She hasn't read Christine, but she saw the movie. It was playing with Carrie. A double-feature. All the way.

Off to the go-karts, they go.


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