you can't take that away from me

May 30, 2010 19:01

Since the Conrad explosion, one Rusty Hunt has been missing from Chicago. Well, honestly he hasn't been missing. The Rani knows exactly where he is. He's been being taken care of just as well as the other creatures she snagged. Really, it's all the same to her. The brain structures of the Gallifreyanoids on this planet are just as similar to her ( Read more... )

jessi jackson/lily fuchizaki, eden-3001 72-833041, mizuno ami/sailor mercury, katherine kirschenbaum, jane, the rani (au), matoi tsunetsuki, tabitha claypool, elizabeth jules, wes gannon, sunshine destiny willow albright-higgins, 040798-332, keilidh sixgriffe, the unnamed angel, molly satomi fuchizaki

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godtooksides June 8 2010, 05:14:42 UTC
The angel's in Grant Park, because when is he not? Though right now he's not so much existing in Grant Park as walking through it with a cigarette. He can't stay in one space for the time it takes to smoke, so he's technically pacing, though it's hard to tell that unless you watch him for awhile because the points he's pacing between are so far apart -- one end of the park to the other.

The cigarette is just there because he has them. So why not?

Of course, he wasn't betting on a gaggle of Disney-esque birds to run into him. So when a cloud of them descend upon him, chirping gaily, and try to steal his cigarette, he -- well, he flails like a lunatic, batting at each bird and cursing. And subsequently dropping his cigarette anyway.

"What the fucking shit is--go away!" More flailing, until it seems that every last one of these way-too-fucking-happy birds are off him. Then picks the cigarette off the grass, cursing as it appears to not be lit anymore, and raises a warning hand to a bird that's getting to close. He will swat it out of the air if it thinks it's gonna fuck with his smoking again.

It's only when he's digging his lighter out of his pocket, still keeping a wary eye on the birds, that he catches sight of Sunshine. And reiterates: "What the fuck?"


consumesflesh June 8 2010, 05:44:55 UTC
Sunshine sees the cigarette.

Sunshine wants a cigarette.

Sunshine stares at the angel.

Sunshine does not register his question.

Sunshine says, "If you bum me a cigarette, I'll give you a pack later."

Sunshine's pretty sure that's a sweet deal.

Sunshine wishes cigarettes were easier to carry while nude.


godtooksides June 8 2010, 07:06:47 UTC
Well, to be honest, it wasn't really an actual question. The angel lights his cigarette again and stares right back at her, his eyes very firmly on her face. He's not sure he wants anything to do with this girl, though she has enough tattoos to seem clothed -- the clothes or lack thereof are not the point. The point is, she's obviously insane if she's going to run naked through Grant Park. With Disney birds.

But it's really hard to say no to a free pack of cigarettes.

So after a second he digs in his pocket again, this time taking out the crumpled pack and offering it toward her. He's not going to let go of it, but she can yoink one if she really wants. "They're kind--really fuckin' squished," he says as an apology. "What the fuck's with the." He doesn't finish the sentence. Just flails a hand in the direction of the lurking happy birds. Fucking birds.


WARNING: THIS TAG CONTAINS ANIMAL ABUSE consumesflesh June 8 2010, 07:30:47 UTC

Sunshine turns around to stare at the happily chirping entourage she has. One of them decides it's a good idea to dive down toward the angel -- presumably to pick up his hair or something.

"What the fuck," Sunshine agrees, first grabbing the dive-bombing bird and throwing it against a tree with a resounding splat. Hey, the guy looks twitchy enough. He doesn't need overly cheery birds divebombing him. They look happy enough that they might feast on human flesh or something. This is Chicago, after all.

But she gladly takes a cigarette, motioning for his lighter.

"Those things are skeevy as fuck."


Re: WARNING: THIS TAG CONTAINS ANIMAL ABUSE godtooksides June 9 2010, 19:32:04 UTC
The angel winces as the bird splats against the tree, staring at first that mess and then going back to staring at the naked woman in front of him. With the occasional wary look at the birds above them -- which seems to have taken the hint and flown higher, out of reach.

"You didn't--fuck, didn't have to fucking do that," he says, but hands her the lighter anyway, carefully making sure he doesn't actually touch her as he does. Hey, if he's going to give her a cigarette, she might as well have a way to light it.

Another long drag on the cigarette, and then he can maybe say words. Yeah. People usually expect words in situations like this. "Why are you--?"

Well, that was almost all the necessary words for that sentence. But it's a legitimate question. She'll get arrested or something if she stays that naked for any length of time.


consumesflesh June 9 2010, 19:38:34 UTC
"What if they wanted to eat your brains?" Sunshine asks, taking the lighter and lighting the cigarette before handing the lighter back to him. She doesn't seem to notice the second question. Probably because it wasn't an entire question, and her attention span leaves something to be desired lately.

She flops back on the grass, staring up at the birds as she smokes. "They look cute and stuff, but I bet they're evil murdering birds that use their charm in order to burrow into people's skulls."

Sunshine's definitely having a hard time feeling sorry for the bird she splatted against the tree. Then again, she hardly even hurt it. Poof. Splat. Against the tree. Almost instantaneous. Unlike the squirrels.

"You drink?"


godtooksides June 10 2010, 05:31:46 UTC
The angel stares at her like she's grown a third head. (Yes, a third. Apparently he wouldn't stare if she had two?) He takes the lighter just as gingerly as he gave it, and says, "Why would they fucking want to eat my brains?" in a tone of voice that clearly says he thinks she's crazy. Not that that differs from the other questions he's asked. But this time, there's a beginning, middle and end of the sentence!

"They're not...doing anything anyway," he says, glancing back up at them. They most certainly aren't.

He sighs at her question, though. "No, it--" Drinking never leads to good things, with him. Any kind of substance never leads to good things, he's learned, not good things in the long run, no matter how it might start out. "I--can't."


consumesflesh June 21 2010, 06:46:13 UTC
"Maybe they're like, plotting," Sunshine says, alternately squinting and widening her eyes as she stares at the birds. "And maybe they're zombie birds that think that brains are delicious. The fuck I know. All I know is that they're really fucking creepy and they keep chirping around my head."

Apparently that is enough for Sunshine to think that the birds are out to get her. The logic she follows is certainly different than the average person's. However, she does live in Chicago, and this should grant some merit to the situation.

"And that fucking sucks, the drinking thing." Apparently, the angel's inability to drink is one of the most horrible tragedies in the world. "I don't know where the hell I'd be if I couldn't drink. Probably in a ditch somewhere."

Or quite a lot more stable. Pick and choose.


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