This is a post of stupid ideas being executed by the idiots who thought them up

Apr 25, 2010 00:35

Robin Rice stumbled on a few CLF members trying to deface property with more of their hate speech. He has no weapons andno idea how to fight. One of these is an Elemental of some sort. Apparently, he's decided to tell them to stop, instead of calling the police. He's saying a lot that sounds good about why they should stop. They seem too angry to ( Read more... )

xander harris, jessi jackson/lily fuchizaki, grace cassidy, martha jones, leona sandric, mizuno ami/sailor mercury, robin rice, danny smalls, john dorian (j.d.), shane vansen, alfred pennyworth, mio hongo

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despite_myrage April 26 2010, 01:30:52 UTC
Robin visibly winces when he notices Grace walking over. The small group does seem to take a step back at the sight of another person entering the situation.

It's one thing to shout at dangerous people on the street when he's alone, but it's another entirely to do so when someone he cares about is near... and apparently, getting involved.

He shoots her an almost desperate look that seems to say, Please, go away. Now, but he doesn't think that she'll listen.

"If you leave this moment, my friend won't have to call the police on your--" Robin bites back the insult, and he must look horribly like he's backpedaling at this point. "She won't have to call the police on the lot of you."

"The police want the freaks gone, too," says one of the younger ones.

"They'll have to put you away for defacing property, however. How do you know that the person who owns this is... a wanderer? They could as human as you are, and I can guarantee that they'll be angry at having to wash this out. Do you want to take the chance that they agree enough to not press charges against you?"

One of the group decides to leave. The others look uncertain, but still too angry to back away completely yet.


2ndchanceacharm April 26 2010, 02:38:35 UTC
Grace meets Robin's eyes for a second and shakes her head just a little. No, she is not going to just walk away and leave one of her best friends alone with some stupid CLF gang. Maybe he should have thought of that before he started shouting at them.

She flips the phone open, thumb hovering above the 9 as she glances over to the kid who spoke. A part of her wishes Romana were still around; the kid did have a point about at least some of the police, and Grace would feel a lot better calling Romana in this situation instead of taking their chances with the police... Still, they don't have to know she's worried about it.

"Some of the police, maybe. How sure are you that some of them aren't..." Pause, as she tries to hold back a grimace. "Freaks too, though? Or have a brother or cousin or best friend who happens to have some weird talent...? You think every one of them's just going to wave you on your way?"

Please go, she thinks, biting the inside of her cheek as she stops talking. Just go, just go, just go...


despite_myrage April 26 2010, 03:23:30 UTC
Robin locks his jaw when she shakes her head. It's not as if he had any idea that someone he cared about would wander by at the time that he took to shouting at the crazy people.

There are only a few of them in this particular group, and they have no idea what these particular freaks might be able to do (cause only freaks would stick up for freaks). They start to back away.

"We'll come after you. We'll be stronger. Most of the police will be on our side," the kid insists, sounding more certain than he actually is. "The freaks won't last in this city for long and that means the both of you, too."

And then the whole group runs off.

Robin's afraid that they'll be back. He turns to look at Grace. There's a sigh, mingling with something else. Concern. "You didn't have to... do that." I really would have preferred it if you hadn't is implied.


2ndchanceacharm April 26 2010, 04:11:05 UTC
Grace watches them go long enough to be sure they're actually gone, and then closes her eyes for a second and lets out a relieved breath. When she opens her eyes again, she looks up at Robin.

"I heard shouting. I thought you might be in trouble. And by the way, unless you've become a black belt in karate or something since the last time I saw you, please do not do that."

You would think that at least one of the men she knows would have a little sense. Just one. Apparently, you would be wrong.


despite_myrage April 26 2010, 05:12:39 UTC
"I can handle whatever trouble I get myself into and the consequences of that trouble," Robin insists, and it's not that he wants to be an asshole in this particular situation. He's come to the point where he doesn't use that as a way to keep people away anymore, but he's--

He's worried that she'll be in the CLF's sights, because she helped him. It's not worth it. It wouldn't be worth it.

"But they know us know. Both of us," He runs a hand through his hair, and it's worry that makes the frustration come out of his voice. He doesn't want another person hurt as a direct result of his reckless behavior. "You shouldn't have... done that. I had it handled. Someone had to say something to them so I did, but you didn't have to get involved."


2ndchanceacharm April 28 2010, 14:56:56 UTC
Grace rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "Robin, I live in the Conrad. They plant bombs in the lobby and paint graffiti on the walls and if you think at least some of them aren't watching us to see who lives there versus who's just visiting, you're a lot less paranoid than I am. No one forced me to get involved, but I did it anyway, because you're my friend, and I care about you."

And you're an idiot sometimes, is the unspoken addendum. He probably knows it's there anyway, even without her actually saying it.

She pauses a moment, and then shrugs, adding, "Also, I've got a taser in my bag if all else fails. It'd at least have given us time to run."


despite_myrage April 29 2010, 03:34:31 UTC
Robin sighs heavily. He knows that he's being an idiot, but he honestly cannot afford to lose anyone else that he cares about. Grace has been here since the beginning. There are not many of them left.

"I understand," he says quietly, shoving past the ass hole attitude that's trying to push through. Grace deserves more than that. He cannot keep other people from caring about him. It's something that he's discovered after all this time. "I care about you, too. I know it was stupid to yell at them, but I'm so... frustrated with this shit. It seemed useless for us to both be in such a reckless situation."

He certainly knows it's there anyway. He will even admit to it being true in this situation.

"One of them was an elemental. You'd have to taze them all before the elemental had the chance to..." Robin shakes his head. It's over. "We should leave. In case, they come back."


2ndchanceacharm April 30 2010, 03:16:35 UTC
Grace pauses, blinking. She's never been very good at picking out the difference between supernaturals and wanderers and ordinary humans. Ignoring everything that comes with being an angel for a decade kind of has its effects.

"Oh," she says flatly, blinking as she considers that. "Okay, then maybe we would have had a little more trouble. Still, I kept your head from getting kicked in, so I think I still have a point." She turns as she speaks, back toward the Conrad, and tilts her head in silent invitation to come with her. He's right - hanging around here any longer than necessary is probably not the best idea.


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