Look at this post.
Now look at your characters.
Now back to this post.
Sadly, this post does not have your characters in it, BUT IT COULD.
Gray Raines is currently on a streetcorner, snogging a random woman he doesn't know. IT COULD BE YOUR CHARACTER. The reason for this snogging is because he may or may not have gotten into some trouble at a pool
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"...hi," J says.
ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE WHEN J HAS HAD A SHIT COUPLA DAYS. Such as: he's not even asking about that horse.
And much like the story of Bristow and Narnia, it will never be told. The horse takes this moment to trot away into a secluded corner of the park and Mac waits for it to go before breaking into the booze. Drinking in pubic? Who cares? She was on a horse. Plus, at the rate Chicago's going, drinking in public ought to be required just to live in the area.
"I once walked into my office and found a flamingo there," he offers. After a moment, he appends "...a real one." Not one of the plastic monstrosities taking over lawns across this godforsaken land.
...and that is apparently what he has to offer the conversation at the moment, and then it's back to alcohol.
He's quiet for a moment.
"...would you happen to know why there's a tank full of squid in the basement?"
Okay. He knows why the tank is there.
The corner of his mouth tilts up, but not really into a smile.
J isn't sure she's run into the Doctor yet. J is not sure how he feels about the prospect that she will.
Maybe he's just not going to respond to that.
He takes another drink.
"...that shapeshifter kid," he says. "Luke? Died a bit ago."
Look veeeery closely, Mac, and you may see an explanation for why he's ambushing you with alcohol.
That poor little slip of a thing. He looked like he was gonna fall apart in J's arms. She should've known this was bound to happen.
"You okay?" She asks, even though she technically knows the answer to that. It's a kneejerk question.
"I'm used to it," he says. It's less of a lie than he'd like it to be. He is, though. This was the norm way before Chicago.
He's not entirely sure why he brought it up at all.
He thinks about deflecting, asking about how her life's been or saying he wouldn't mind hearing the long story the horse implied, but nothing really comes. After a moment spent watching thealcohol swish in his bottle, he appends "Babel seems to be taking it pretty hard."
"Which one's Babel?" She asks, because fuck if she can keep track of J's little menagerie of acquaintances. The guy collects strange people like they're Pokemon.
Being cryptic is certainly the way to go. Who knows; it might be more descriptive than an actual description.
Just in case it's not, though, he levels his hand about one Babel-height from the ground. "About this tall, dark hair, fine-boned. Looks a lot younger than she is. Occasionally says things that make no sense."
Like he's one to talk.
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