I cannot defend you, but I'll try and I'll be there.

Mar 18, 2010 17:33

All is quiet in the Kashtta lobby. You know, the way things ...probably shouldn't be, considering the Kashtta, but that's beside the point. At least it doesn't stay that way for long.

The wall suddenly coughs up a rather large timber wolf, directly onto the desk, at a somewhat high velocity. Said wolf yelps, flails about in the way only canids can, and comes to an undignified stop a couple of feet away from the desk, looking around with her ears back, though the look on her face is not anger but wary confusion.

Because the last time Huck checked, she was trying to leap across a small river with the rest of her scouting party. This is not a river. This is the Kashtta, which she thought she'd never see again and is, most definitely, not Narnia.

Arlin, meanwhile, was out enjoying the warmth, being mostly over his most recent bout of hermiting in his flat. He'd been taking a stroll through the park, stopped to read for awhile, basically just lazed about and avoided the other parkgoers as best he could (hey, we said he was over his hermiting; y'ain't never getting rid of the asocial).

Currently, though, he's standing in Buckingham Crater, covered in slime. The Rift spat out a monster, like it do, and the monster attacked him, like they do. However, when he went to attack it right back, the damn thing exploded. And ruined a perfectly good suit, as well as his book. Sigh.

The angel is, for once, not in Grant Park. He's actually in the Conrad basement's common room with a deconstructed cardboard box and a permanent marker, carefully laboring over a sign. It's harder to write that large and have his hand stay steady, so there's a few attempts scribbled out and lying in a pile near him.

He's also wearing a piece of the box on his head, bent like a weird hat. It feels better being inside that way. Do not question his neuroses.

And, in a small park on campus, Kaden is sitting on a bench with Justin. He's not supposed to have the kid, but it's Justin's birthday, and he technically had some free time while Jessi was in class. The people at Justin's daycare know him by now, given that he's been paying the fees and all, so he swung by to get the kid after teaching instead of just going to a coffeeshop to study and wait for his sister to get out of class.

So he picked up his nephew and took him out for ice cream. He knew Jessi wouldn't actually let him take the kid out himself, if she knew, so he's been careful to stay within her comfort zone, so she doesn't try to find him before her class ends. He also told her he had some things to do and to get Justin without him -- she's got his debit card anyway -- and he'd meet them in time for the kid's birthday celebration. So he's got some time to spend with just his nephew without her overmothering the poor kid.

Justin's happily slurping at a somewhat melted double scoop (they were very small scoops) ice cream cone as though it's the best thing he's ever tasted, which is probably currently true as he's not actually ever had ice cream before. And Kaden's got a small cup of the stuff as well, though he's mostly watching Justin eat his with an amused expression on his face. He seriously questions the fact that his sister never let the kid have ice cream.

jessi jackson/lily fuchizaki, john casey, robin rice, kaden minoru fuchizaki, matoi tsunetsuki, phoebe donovan, huck freak, the unnamed angel, arlin keysa, csp-04

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