When the roof caved in and the truth came out...

Jan 29, 2010 20:38

((OOC: I know that there are a lot of new posts. I just had to get this up before the wedding. I want to make sure that JD's reaction to his journal entry is shown and then that he's in well enough mental/emotional condition to go to the wedding.))

It has been nearly two weeks since Elizabeth's seen Josef. She was frustrated and stubborn, and she didn't want to see him until after she'd met with her dad. She'd just argue again. She called him a few times but nothing else. It's been a horrible two weeks. She didn't even get to meet with her dad until two days ago. And she still doesn't want to see Josef, because he was right. Of course, he was. It's not fair! And at the same time, she wants to see him so badly that it hurts.

Elizabeth is currently standing in an alleyway, attacking a wall behind a dumpster with her fists and feet and muttering her own variety of 'curse words' at it. "Stupid kite loving son of a skunk. Fracking monkey faced! Augh!" And on.

It turns out her dad had some contacts at the juvenile detention center. He asked them to show her what waited for her if she continued down the "path that she was on". She's in an orange jumpsuit. Her wrists are handcuffed together. She was frisked so she is completely unarmed. Thank God, she left her gun and knife from Aaron at her room at the Conrad. The correctional officer who frisked her is now suffering from a black eye. She is pretty sure her dad did not order that, but she ends up suffering for punching the guy who had his hands where they SHOULDN'T be. Somehow she escaped. It's a complicated story, involving a narrow window at the top of a bathroom in the lobby, a half hour before her dad was set to pick her up.

If anyone walks down this alleyway, she'll throw her cuffed hands up in the air and yell, "I am not a criminal!"

JD has not really left his room since his journal entry. He's in Grant Park now, sitting on a bench. His eyes are bloodshot from lack of sleep. All the crying he's done probably does not help the way his eyes look either. He is finally facing reality. Reality sucks. It's horrible and scary and painful. In reality, Nate is dead. After he finally let himself believe it, he went back into his head again for days at a time, but he's out of it again. It seems once he let himself learn the truth, he wasn't able to unlearn it. Even in when he makes those illusions again, he clings to Nate because he knows. Nate and so many others, he's imagined into reality, into life, into this world. They're not here, not really.

He wonders if there's a gravestone. Probably not. He would have heard about that. JD wants to bring flowers to it or pour alcohol over it. He wants to go somewhere he can talk to Nate and feel as close as he possibly can to him. He thinks up a flowers raining from the sky instead and makes the grass in the park look purple. There's music playing faintly in the background. It's Journey. It's easier to sleep when he wears himself out.

elizabeth jules, john dorian (j.d.), jonathan stens, kaden minoru fuchizaki, josef soltini, csp-04

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