Today, I made an appearance downtown. I'm an expert witness, because I say I am.

Jan 04, 2010 03:23

On Monday morning, a limo pulls up in front of the Conrad and Adam Monroe, plus a few ranking Organization personnel and all their individual security details, arrive at the Conrad Hotel for a meeting. They head straight to the meeting room without lingering too long outside or in the lobby, and while Adam is choking down a deep-rooted urge to kill ( Read more... )

claire saunders/whiskey, the doctor (ten), the master, leona sandric, cy, plot: trickster week, sam winchester, cooper hawkes, karrin murphy, the trickster, adam monroe

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Comments 124

best_is_past January 4 2010, 13:47:50 UTC
Topher isn't in Topher's office. Topher should really learn not to leave his office unattended and unlocked if he doesn't want things like this to happen.

Claire doesn't much notice the janitor as she passes him in the hall just outside Topher's office, and she heads straight for his computers. And once she's gotten through his security - which he apparently hasn't thought to upgrade since she got into it the last time - she sets about making a few... modifications.

Any number of key combinations will now start playing the most obnoxious songs Claire can think of. At full volume. With no way to make it stop that doesn't involve restarting the entire computer. Have fun rooting out all of those tripwires, Topher.


painhumbles January 4 2010, 21:26:46 UTC
The janitor sees what you did there, Claire. And he heartily approves, because the Organization being the biggest bunch of dicks in the whole damn city didn't get hit nearly as hard by his existence. And that's just not fair.

So yay for people doing his work for him.

He's still very intently mopping the floor when Claire comes out. "The Meow Mix jingle," he says, completely randomly.

On a normal occasion, he'd just go about his business, but if Chicago won't let him manipulate events the way he damn well wants to, he'll just be unsettling at people. That works!


best_is_past January 4 2010, 23:38:01 UTC
Claire doesn't bat an eye, though she does tense just a little. There is no way he could have known what she was doing in there. There just isn't. Even if that is... an incredibly random thing for anybody to say...

"What?" she asks simply. She's not turning on the wide-eyed false innocence like she might for Topher, but really, she is blameless. Entirely.


painhumbles January 4 2010, 23:55:11 UTC
The Trickster leans on his mop casually, looking at her incredulously like she's the weird one in this scenario. Oh, Claire. Tease one neurogeek about psychics and you get one... Okay, he's not psychic. Just stupidly aware of everything.

"It's the most annoying song in the world," he shrugs. Duh, Claire. "It'll haunt his dreams."

This is totally a normal conversation. What are you talking about?


wegotwork January 4 2010, 15:58:26 UTC
Sam is working at the Luna and trying to decidedly not think about any and all potential city invasions from certain tricksters.

It's working pretty well.

He only manages to demolish a good number of lemons in the process.


painhumbles January 4 2010, 21:09:53 UTC
That's too bad, Sammy. The Trickster has been thinking about you.


You may not have noticed the familiar guy entering the bar, because it's pretty crowded and, hey, people have the same face all the time, and, you know, those lemons won't chop themselves. Whatever.

It is really hard not to notice though when they sidle onto the barstools nearest you and say, completely cheerfully, "Sam. Did Dean send my regards?"

Ten to one, Sam doesn't know who he is either and the Winchesters just spent the whole of the last few days bashing their heads together. The Trickster can deal with this.


wegotwork January 4 2010, 21:14:49 UTC
Sam's hand might clutch the knife just a little tighter, even though he's well aware of the fact that he can't actually use it as a weapon - because apart from the blood-tipped stake, these things are supposed to sort of be immortal.

"You," he grits out through clenched teeth. His jaw looks tense enough to snap, but he doesn't make any sudden movements.



painhumbles January 4 2010, 21:32:10 UTC
The Trickster is probably way too gleeful for someone getting stared down like that. Then again, he's five foot, seven inches worth of massively powerful demigod. Winchesters have never and will never frighten him.

"Me," he says, leaning forwards a bit. "So you do remember, hm? What? Did Dean hit his head on the way in? I always said that kid's been dropped on his skull one too many times."


cyfor January 4 2010, 18:55:45 UTC

Your cover as a footman is kind of hard to keep up when sixteen identical cats (ah ah ah) come pouring out of the nearest alley to try and climb you.

Angel, Trickster God, jack-of-all-trades, and cat tree. The Cys are glad to see you.


painhumbles January 4 2010, 21:13:54 UTC
Luckily, he doesn't really care that much about his covers, although, like any sane individual (human, angel, god, or otherwise) the Trickster's reaction to being attacked by sixteen cats is to make a surprised yelp... This is followed by an amused chuckle as he consents to being a cat tree.

"Well, considering the ramifications for Chicago, I have to say this is my favorite." Because Chicago totally needs exponential Cys.

It's like doing Chicago a favor. Kittens make the sad go away. Or drive the entirety of Chicago over the edge of a cliff. The city's kinda doomed, in general, so whatever.


cyfor January 4 2010, 21:37:43 UTC
The first Cy to reach his shoulder noms proudly on the Trickster's hair. "We got asked about you."

"Didn't tell."

"He thought you were the drummer boy." One of the ones who has decided his foot is a better perch sighs in a longsuffering way.

"All about the circling, all about the centerpoint, that one." Another Cy, this one trying to climb into his pocket, speaks in a mournful tone.


painhumbles January 4 2010, 21:54:51 UTC
"Good girl," the Trickster says, tilting his head to the side a bit, but otherwise doing nothing to dislodge Cy #1. He can deal with being a cat tree.

He almost snorts and looks down at the foot!Cy. "That putz?" Because he totally knows who she's talking about, on all fronts. He is the Trickster and he knows all. "I have way more style.. And a lot less crazy."


whateverthemess January 4 2010, 19:14:43 UTC
Hi thar, Trickster. Have a Murphy, watching you pretend to empty garbage bins in the park. Not hiding under a blanket, this time. That's kind of gotten both old and beyond useless, since it seems she more she tries to hide, the shinier she gets and the quicker her disguises fall to pieces.

It wasn't as hard as she thought it would be to track him down. Took a bit longer than she thought it would, granted, because of people either attacking her or falling at her feet. Awkward, that.

She lifts her chin, determined not to give him the satisfaction of her nerves. "Finished with your tantrum yet?"


painhumbles January 4 2010, 21:18:24 UTC

...Oh whatever.

At the sound of a certain prissy Knight of the Cross's voice makes him abandon the noble art of garbage collection and turn to her with a lineface that's more comical than threatening. If he wanted to be threatening, he'd be threatening. "I dunno. Have you learned anything useful from your experience?" He says, utterly sardonic.


whateverthemess January 4 2010, 21:28:39 UTC
"Dove poop is a moisturizer." The sardonic is catching, apparently. "What about you? Has picking through people's leftovers imparted any moral revelations?"


painhumbles January 4 2010, 21:37:26 UTC
"I don't need moral revelations," he responds, with a slight scoff, brushing his hands off and stepping forwards away from the trash. "And this is just a day job.... One of several."

He shrugs. "I get around."


trust_mistruth January 5 2010, 23:58:26 UTC
The Trust contingent has already made their way in. The Master is standing, picking through the catered breakfast on the banquet by the wall; he doesn't turn as they come in.

"In 10 Downing Street," he says instead, announcing it as though it's a matter of high interest, "in the cabinet room, they've thought to provide a bottle of port. I wouldn't go so far as to call it excellent, but it's certainly serviceable. Here..."

He finally turns, holding up one of the carafes and one of the coffee pots.

"Coffee and cream, anyone?"

The overwrought smile that accompanied that remark vanishes after another moment, and he puts the drinks back down.

"Sit down, everyone," he orders, walking to put his hands on the back of his own chair. "I'd offer you all juice and pastries, but as you're about ten days late for our little rendezvous I think you should be glad we didn't start without you."


howangryarethey January 6 2010, 00:21:10 UTC
Adam folds his hands behind his back and puts on the most saccharine smile he can manage, which is pretty damn saccharine, but no less threatening. This is his city. He made a deal with these people that he wouldn't interfere with them if they didn't interfere with him. The Organization's embarrassing turn of failures here lately aside, what could these people possibly want?

"As I said, you picked a complicated time to arrive. I do apologize for the wait," he says, resisting the urge to add a snipe about why the hell anyone would choose Christmas as a good time for diplomatic negotiations.

He waves off the offer. "Nothing for me, thank you. Leona?" He turns to the woman at his side, gritting his teeth in what looks like a charming smile, but his eyes say differently. If this goes sour, you have my permission to kill every last one of them.Death happens in Chicago. He doesn't particularly want to go to war with the Trust, but he doesn't want them here either. In the end, someone always does have to make that hard choice for the ( ... )


sinsofskin January 6 2010, 00:45:41 UTC
"If you're pouring, I'll have a coffee. Two sugars, dash of cream, and if you could toss in an ice cube or two, that would be lovely. If you're not, though, I'd hate to delay you any further."

She accompanies this with perhaps a bit too sweet and dazzling a smile, quietly challenging their new guest to play the teamaid. She pulls out her own chair, though, sinking gracefully into it. She has absolutely no problem with that little directive Adam just gave her.

Granted, a meeting room in the Conrad Hotel is not the best place for a demoness to kill a bunch of people, but they're the Organization. They can afford to clean that up, if it becomes absolutely necessary.


howangryarethey January 6 2010, 01:08:51 UTC
And that is why Adam adores Leona Sandric. If there's one person in the Organization, he can trust to understand him, it's her.

He takes a seat. "Since you've already been waiting for so long, I'm sure you won't mind if we skip the pleasant chitchat and skip right to the point."

There's nothing unpleasant about his tone. It's perfectly polite. In a way that suggests that he wants these people out of his city as quickly as possible.


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