She believes that life is made up of all that you're used to

Jan 02, 2010 17:44

In the Kashtta Tower's lounge, Suzie Costello is sipping an unholy concoction made mostly of hot cocoa, with some coffee and whiskey added for flavour. It has whipped cream on the top. She's frowning down at a small device, probably alien in origin, which is rattling in a regular repeating pattern, and poking at it.

This is her version of being social.

Downstairs in the basement, Ianto Jones is fussing with what appears to be a large dolphin tank. It fills what used to be two rooms, and has an area in the back screened off with some natural-looking rock formations and entirely natural aquatic plants. Just in case someone stuck in dolphin form needs their privacy.

Really, he'll be happiest if J never learns he's the one who did this. He's simply quite certain of the fact that if he doesn't have a dolphin tank installed in the basement, they'll need one, sooner or later. Meanwhile, if he does, it'll probably never see use. God (or whoever) has that sort of a sense of humour.

toshiko sato, owen harper, captain jack harkness, plot: trickster week, suzie costello, ianto jones

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