But you're bound to stay, for you've lost your way in the twists of Babylon Wood...

Dec 14, 2009 03:22

There is an angry woman stalking through the Organization headquarters, looking for a certain sociopath in a sweatervest. She just woke up. Or... woke up isn't exactly the right term. She was already awake, standing and fully dressed and all, she just suddenly had no idea what just happened or how she got there. And after a little investigation, she realized she was missing several days from her memory.

This can really only be blamed on one person, so Claire is hunting for Topher, ready to shout at him or possibly beat him over the head with the nearest object to hand until he tells her what the hell is going on. And if he says the word treatment, so help her God, she will kill him.

Sam is walking back to the Kashtta, red-eyed and trying to pretend he's absolutely fine. He's been visiting the hospital every couple days for a while now. It hasn't gotten any easier yet, though sooner or later, he's sure it has to.

And in downtown Chicago, not far from the Sears Tower, there's a young man wandering down the street, looking a little confused, and more than a little suspicious. He keeps glancing to the sun like it's an unfriendly stranger, and eyeing the city itself with even more uneasiness. To say he shouldn't be here is the biggest kind of understatement. He hasn't seen the sun in two centuries - there are rules to the universe, and that the dead don't see the sun is one of the bigger ones. Gale Kendricks has arrived in Chicago.

claire saunders/whiskey, andy mackenzie, captain jack harkness, sam tyler, phoebe donovan, gale kendricks, arlin keysa, topher brink

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