and i've been dreaming of revenge to make you love me more

Dec 11, 2009 23:38

But I don't want to play God either. I can't do that. I don't want to pick and choose.

But you have before.

Martha Jones is seated at a cafe, pouring over notes that her wedding planner gave her. There are choices she has to make even she told the woman that it doesn't particularly matter to her as long as she marries her fiance, as long as the ( Read more... )

martha jones, malek asenath, josef soltini, one for sorrow, wes gannon, danny smalls, gwen cooper, john dorian (j.d.), elizabeth jules, rusty hunt, rachel conway, vincent sterling

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homoraptor December 13 2009, 05:28:36 UTC
There is a BEACH in the PARK and oh, with the exception of that one time he got some hunk of a shapeshifter to buy him pizza and beer and then take him home for two days, this is the best day ever.

Malek makes a dive into JD's little imaginary beach, rolls into the sand, sheds his trenchcoat, and rolls onto his back next to JD before really recognizing him. He was just focusing on getting into the weird pocket rift or whatever before it disappeared. Old friends are just a bonus.

He grins.

"Allo. Lovely weather, ja? Do love the city sometimes."


sensi_doctor December 13 2009, 05:53:28 UTC
The solidity of the illusion lessens when Malek starts to speak to him. It may not be noticeable but the heat lessens and the sand becomes smooth.

"Oh! Hi! It's you!" There's a lot running through his head at the sight of Malek. It's not like he hasn't seen him since... since that first time. Just... yes. His mind will always bounce back. "Yes. The..." JD blinks. "City."

How the heck did he get on this beach anyway?

"We're still in the city?"


homoraptor December 13 2009, 05:57:53 UTC
Malek feels the waning of his precious heat, and looks up on instinct to see if a cloud is passing over the sun. That's... weird. Just weird. But so long as this place isn't going to vanish on him...

He shrugs. "Dunno. Just dove inn, ja? Thought't could be a Rift, sommat... crazy stuff. Chicago's like that. Who's y'friend?"

He rolls onto his elbow, waving at !Nate.

"Love t'sun, ja?"


sensi_doctor December 13 2009, 06:18:21 UTC
JD is doing all he can mentally to make this beach not vanish because if it vanishes, it means he's doing it again. He's making stuff up without realizing it and forcing it on the world and thinking that it's all real. It would terrify him more but he's convinced himself that he has it under control and he isn't losing his mind. He knows what's real and what isn't.

This beach? It's real. Nate? He's real. Malek is, also, real. See?

"I guess I shouldn't complain then. Just enjoy it when the Rift brings us something crazy and nice like a beach, right?" JD glances over at Nate who smiles. "That's Nate. My boyfriend."

The effort it takes to make Nate respond with a hello and a wave back at Malek is making the edges of this illusion a little more unstable and rough around the edges. His head is hurting again.


homoraptor December 13 2009, 07:01:26 UTC
Malek actually pouts for a moment. He went off and got a boyfriend? Where's the fun in that? After a moment, though, he shakes it off and gives them both a grin.

"Domestic man, eh? Settlin' down? Always bit too young fer t'at, my opinion, but nah, all different. What makes 't fun." He casts an uneasy look at the wobbly edge of the illusion, but who knows. Rifts are wobbly. Maybe they don't look just like that, but he's got a beach and a couple of cute guys and really, he doesn't want to look this gift horse in the mouth. He just wants to enjoy it. And possibly seduce the both of them, for Malek's own very special brand of seduction. "'less you're open, mmh? Or you got all you need?"

Subtlety, thy name is not and never will be Malek Asenath.

"Glad fer ya, though. Fff. Life's no good without folks, right? Gotta have a body t' bunk down with, time to time."


sensi_doctor December 13 2009, 07:19:50 UTC
"Yep, there's- there's only one man for me," JD says with a loving smile sent towards !Nate who returns one.

It takes JD a moment or two to process what Malek is asking even if he isn't being subtle. His brain is a bit preoccupied and then he's surprised at the nature of the question. He flails his hands in the air.

"Oh, no, no! We're- We're good." JD stares at Malek for a little longer. He remembers how that felt, and the demon is attractive. Very attractive in JD's opinion. "I mean... I mean I think we're good. Maybe." His voice sounds a little more unsure, and he turns to look at !Nate who gives him a firm look that seems to say JD, no. "Nah, yeah. We're good. We have total satisfaction with one another and all needs are met to the fullest. 100%. Thanks... though ( ... )


homoraptor December 13 2009, 22:02:54 UTC
Malek shrugs. Ah, well. Plenty of fish in the sea, even if this one's hooked up. ...he thinks that qualifies as a pun.

"People, pizza 'n' beer, ice cream... good weather, ja," Malek says, glancing around the beach and snagging his coat. "Kinda think it'll go, though. Rah; t'good Rifts never stick, yanno?" He pulls a face at the edge of the illusion. "More's pity. Could use a good beach. Gotta think some Wanderer'd manage it. All sorts come through; where's our luck?"

...oh, Malek.


sensi_doctor December 13 2009, 22:45:30 UTC
It qualifies as a pun totally.

JD blinks looking at the edges of the illusion as it breaks a part and as he sees it, he seems to realize that it's his which breaks it even further.

"I think- I think it's me," he says quietly, so quiet that he's hardly aware that words are coming out if his mouth. It's a slow process because some part of his mind is still (and will always) cling to the illusion even when reality starts smacking him in the face. "Doing it. I didn't realize..."

It's happening more times than it should. Honestly.


homoraptor December 13 2009, 23:38:31 UTC
Malek squawks as a breath of cold air comes in, pulling on his coat and remaining completely oblivious to JD's dismay. "Neat trick! Should come 'round t'my plae more often. Good summer time. Maybe even go swim."

He looks at JD again, then glances back at Nate. Otherwise known as his competition. Or... something. He shakes his head, after a moment.

"What, all of this, with th'beach and the sun and th' - sorry." He blinks at Nate a couple of times, finally getting the impression that something is wrong. For one thing, he should be able to tell if he's a human or a demon or what, and that's... that's not going just as it should. "People too?"


sensi_doctor December 13 2009, 23:50:45 UTC
JD smiles past his dismay which he does not want to face and refuses to face if he can help it even as it's all crashing in around him.

"Yeah, sure! I'd be happy to please! Beach scene... you know anywhere I've been or can imagine well enough about, I could think up for you! I'd be happy, too."

JD refuses to look at !Nate because a part of him know that !Nate will disappear, and he's not sure what to make of that. Reality and illusion have mixed together so well in his brain that it's becoming impossible to sort out what he dreamed up and what actually happened.

"Yeah," he says softly, and he's not turning around to look as the sky fades away and the sand beneath him, too. He's not going to look. "Even people. Anything really."


homoraptor December 14 2009, 08:50:08 UTC
And there goes summer, leaving them in this horrible snowy hell-season which Malek does not understand. He jams himself a bit further into his coat, shaking himself out a little like a dog.

"Yah? Cold out now you're not any more. Got reason t'be out, anyway? Eh, wanna get pizza 'n' beers, iff'n you're alone right now? Warmer inside."

And if JD is all out of lovely beaches with attractive men, pizza is at least a decent consolation prize.


sensi_doctor December 14 2009, 20:33:11 UTC
Yes, he is alone now but that's because Nate is still in Jamaica, busy with his brother, doing something else. Nothing is out of the ordinary. He got lost in a daydream about Nate and him and a beach. It happens sometimes. It's perfectly normal and everything is fine.

JD smiles at the offer, pushing himself off of the cold grass and wiping his pants off. There's his coat. He puts that on, too.

"Yeah! I love pizza... you know that," he says, and the smile slides into a I am dumb grin. "I'd like that a lot though."


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