and i've been dreaming of revenge to make you love me more

Dec 11, 2009 23:38

But I don't want to play God either. I can't do that. I don't want to pick and choose.

But you have before.

Martha Jones is seated at a cafe, pouring over notes that her wedding planner gave her. There are choices she has to make even she told the woman that it doesn't particularly matter to her as long as she marries her fiance, as long as the ( Read more... )

martha jones, malek asenath, josef soltini, one for sorrow, wes gannon, danny smalls, gwen cooper, john dorian (j.d.), elizabeth jules, rusty hunt, rachel conway, vincent sterling

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pplrunincircles December 13 2009, 04:30:15 UTC
"Yes, it is better, because running away is a decision that I've made after a lot of careful thinking and breaking curfew is like I don't know sneaking out to get crunk and stuff. But I'm not. I've been moved out for over a month, but I made the mistake of coming home to visit my grandma for Christmas. Only to find my dad there instead. Usually he's... always away on business," Elizabeth explains as much as she'd rather not, she's not just some kid running from her home with no though. She's an adult and someone will see her that way! DAMN IT.

She didn't really want to relive this with a random dude on the street, but he's not a total stranger! He's an angel so they're united on that front. Or something.

Elizabeth lowers herself so she's dangling from another branch.

"I didn't- It would be better if he thought I was dead believe me. Unfortunately now he's going to know that I've run off again, and he'll try hunting me down so- I don't know. So he can mold me into the perfect daughter. Not even so he can love me, just so he can- To ease his guilt over mom."

The branch cracks under her weight (which really isn't much but a tree is used to squirrels, girl) and she drops. Really if she fell from here and landed on the ground, she'd probably only sprain her ankle anyway. Elizabeth counts this as a success even as she's squeaking and falling. Right.


tempered_scars December 13 2009, 04:47:54 UTC
Wes internally flails. Tinehgirls getting crunked, whether she means it seriously or not, is something that just should not be done and--he feels more and more like his father right now. He looks up, sighing inwardly again. "It's not a mistake to be visitin' yer grandma. She ain't always gonna be there. Yer dad's yer dad, whatever he's done and parents deserve their fair share of respect."

And then he isn't allowed to continue with his speech, not that he has any right to be saying it at all. He's Wes, though, and lord knows nothing shuts this boy up.

Wes also has good reflexes. He knows the exact moment the branch cracks in two and moves over quickly, poising himself directly beneath her.

Elizabeth, you get the opposite of a tiny angel catching and breaking your fall, scooping you up into his arms before there can be any serious injury. Enjoy.


pplrunincircles December 13 2009, 04:57:47 UTC
Elizabeth is surprised to land in strong arms and not on the ground. She lets out a gasp, and these arms are strong. Not like Josef's. Josef's are different, but... well then. She sucks in a deep breath trying to remember how to breathe. It's difficult. She's not like attracted to him. She's not attracted to anyone but Josef, but holygoshalmight these arms.

"Thank you. For catching me," she says softly, remembering suddenly what he'd said before the fall. "I do- I did respect him. I just didn't... I wanted him to respect me, too. I just wanted him to listen to me like an adult, and he couldn't... do that. He locked me in my room so he wouldn't have to, cause he thought he was protecting me. He doesn't love me. He- My mom was his ward, and I... I killed her when I came out of her... womb or whatever. He can't love me."

..and this doesn't bother her at all. No. Right. She had been perfectly accepting of it when he told her he didn't know her and left her in her room. Now it's- Her chest hurts a little. Her head is killing her but that's because she needs to eat. Badly.

Time for a subject change which isn't hard because she's just realized that the hard surface she's pressed against... is this man's chest.

"Holy... moly, is- is your chest real? It's like- Are you hiding a wall under your shirt?" Elizabeth blinks up at him and stares at his shirt like she'll be able to see through if she tries hard enough. Elizabeth reaches out to touch his chest with her hand instead when it becomes clear that she won't be able to see through it. "Seriously. That's... wow." A goofy smile slides on to her face. "I guess this is what they mean when they say rock hard abs, huh?"


tempered_scars December 13 2009, 05:18:04 UTC
"Yer welcome... and okay, look. If there's anyone that's gonna understand what yer saying here, it's me." Wes doesn't really react to catching her. Girl's light as a feather. "My Ma, may her soul rest in peace, she was my father's guardian and when he died, everything changed. She was a good woman, a strong woman and suddenly she wasn't."

... Talking about this with a virtual stranger in the middle of a street is vastly uncomfortable. Not that this wouldn't be uncomfortable, no matter who he was talking to and where the conversation was taking place.

He shakes his head in amusement while she talks about his stomach, carefully setting her down. "I'm all real, girl. Don't know about rock hard, but thank ya for the compliment."

Glancing at her again, he adds, "And ya didn't kill yer mother, though it may feel that way. Nature has its way of doing its work. It's not that yer father doesn't love ya. It's that--it's that connection that's gone that messes ya up in the head." He swallows thickly as he remembers how he felt when Rachel was being tortured.

"I'm sure he's doin' the best he can."


pplrunincircles December 13 2009, 05:45:46 UTC
"I'm sorry about your mom and your dad, too," Elizabeth says quietly. She notices how it feels uncomfortable but she doesn't think that stops people from needing to talk about things. "Someone once told me... Don't let the world tell you who you are. Tell the world who you are. I don't know though. I'm not sure that we get that much choice in the end." That is accompanied with a sad smile.

Yes, that was a Josef quote. She has a difficult time remembering information for tests or remembering where she left something but she can still remember almost everything he's ever said to her.

Elizabeth only wobbles a little when she's set down. Her head hurts more now that she doesn't have the tree to focus on. She winces and then looks up at him, not going to look at those abs again... even if she is wondering what those rock hard abs actually look like.

"I don't blame him... for whatever he can't give me and how ever he treats me. I don't. But I can't stay up there locked in a room so he can fulfill his last promise to my mother. He's not the only one that has a calling even if it's... if it's hard for him to admit it anymore. I have- this city needs... what I can give to it especially after everything I saw in the plagues and the people I know who are out there killing." Never mind that she's in love with and lives with one of those people. "I'm not made for school. I can barely focus, and I was about to fail, again. This." Her hand balls into a fist. "This is what I was made for. It's what I was made to do. I can't turn around and have a 'normal' life when I know what happens in this city. I tried to show him that, tried to make him listen, but he couldn't. Or wouldn't. I don't know which."


tempered_scars December 13 2009, 06:18:54 UTC
Wes nods, accepting her sympathy. It's not her fault, but sometimes people need to express it and Wes isn't about to say she shouldn't say something when it's obvious now she understands.

"The thing is, these callings of ours aren't something we can shake off. You can tell the world who you are, sure. But who you are is largely influenced by what you become. That ain't a choice, kiddo. What happens to a ward, it's hard to begin to explain what that does to a guardian."

He won't try. He's still trying to repress it all. He still wants to drink himself deep inside a bottle, drown in it, and never come up for air.

"This city does need a lot. But ya can't change the world on your own. If ya think ya can, or ya try, you're gonna be in for some real disappointment as noble as the thought is. Gonna hurt yerself and then you really won't be able to help the way ya want to. You can still help the city by going to school, making something of yerself other than that calling, but that's yer choice. Ain't gonna pester you about that when you barely know me."

He cocks his head to the side. "Ya really think that yer father's not gonna come lookin' for ya if he went through enough trouble to lock ya up?"


pplrunincircles December 13 2009, 06:36:00 UTC
Elizabeth watches him as he speaks. She has a tendency to put more weight on what Josef says than anyone else but this is one issue that she's just... she's not so sure about.

"It sounds like you know from experience," she notes softly. Not really pressing, just pointing out that it does and if he needs to talk about it she's here. On the sidewalk of her own house. What the flying kite? She should really leave before her dad comes back.

She's starting to feel lightheaded, mixing that in with the headache is... not a good feeling at all. It's making her feel nauseous which is kind of ironic.

There's something about what he says that hurts. She can't place what but something sharp and painful wedges its way within her chest, and she bites down on her lower lip to keep whatever it is under control. Elizabeth takes in a deep breath.

"I know. I'm not trying to change the world... that was never the goal," she says, swallowing past whatever that painful feeling is or means. She doesn't know. She couldn't guess. Sometimes her emotions don't make sense to her but for once, she's not looking up at him. "There's nothing I could do that would change the world. I'm not smart. I'm just- This is the one thing I am good at. It's not about changing the world. It's about making sure people don't die alone. Not everyone." Elizabeth takes in a deep breath and closes her eyes. "I know I can't get to everyone but the one person who's spared that, who would have had to suffer alone and afraid because I was taking some History test that I'd fail anyway? They're worth it."

Elizabeth bites down on her lower lip again. She had thought of it, of course, but she can't remain locked up in her room forever. She can't unsee what she's seen. She can't unlearn what she's been taught, and he will never see her as anything as a girl even when she's showing him self control that most adults wouldn't have, even when she's speaking of responsibilities greater than herself or them. "I know he will. It's a big city though and every time he finds me, I'll leave again."


tempered_scars December 13 2009, 06:48:42 UTC
The stiffness in his shoulders, dispersing to the rest of his body, make it difficult to take a deep breath. He manages. He keeps very still. "I do know from experience," is all he says.

He's never talking about it. Not with anyone. He will never speak about what happened within that cage, within that prison, to him and to Rachel both. Sometimes, if it's quiet enough, he'll still hear her singing. He'll still feel Esther's dead body pressed up against his. He'll remember when his heart stopped beating.

"Ya know what they say about being unable to help others until yer taking care of yerself?" God, what a flaming hypocrite. "That person is going to die, alone or not. It is better they do not die alone, yes. But yer gonna remain here, alive. The point is to live. Following yer calling like I said, is a noble thing. There is more to life than that, that includes yer education. It includes yer family, it includes more than just going around finding people whose fates are already sealed."

Wes rubs his face with a calloused hand. "I don't even know what I'm sayin' anymore. Do ya at least have some place to go or are ya just runnin' blind here? Ya realize I can't just let ya walk these streets on yer own."


pplrunincircles December 13 2009, 07:09:55 UTC
Elizabeth senses the tenseness there, but he is a stranger, and she's not going to ask any further. Despite contrary belief, sometimes she does know when to shut up.

She doesn't say anything to what he tells her either which makes her uncharacteristically quiet. Never a good sign. She slips a strand of her hair behind her ear, staring into the grass. There's plenty more that she could argue about but she's slowly starting to understand that no one will ever understand. No one can understand because they haven't experienced it. They don't know, and there's no way for them to ever know. A fellow death angel... maybe. But maybe not even them. Maybe she's the only one who thinks that what she does is so much more important than herself.

Her head is pounding, and she closes her eyes from the pain. Elizabeth takes in a deep breath and forces herself to look up at him again, forces herself to smile and how good she is at making them seem real even with tears building behind her eyes, begging to be spilled.

"I do. I have a home. This is just the house I used to live in," she says, turning her attention to it. "When I was still young."

That last part of the sentence is meant to come off more lightly than it does, like a joke because she realizes that she's sixteen, and she's a child in most everyone's eyes. It doesn't though. Her smile widens a fraction more.

"So you don't have to worry. I'm not that crazy that I'd run off without a place to go."


tempered_scars December 13 2009, 07:28:49 UTC
Wes does not understand a lot of things, Elizabeth. He would rather they not make sense. Everything that has happened to him is senseless. If there is reason for it, it isn't a world he wants to live in.

"Yer growing up," he agrees with a nod, something caught tightly inside his throat. He's eighty, and he feels a lot older right now, but when he was her age he didn't know the difference between a house and a home. It was one and the same.

She's already one step ahead.

"I'd still feel better if I walked ya to wherever that is, yeah? Don't need to be tellin' ya this place ain't safe."

He finally stretches out a hand, introducing himself, which is long overdue. "Wes Gannon."


pplrunincircles December 13 2009, 07:40:39 UTC
Elizabeth doesn't blame people for not understanding what she does. She didn't either until she did it for the fourth or fifth time.

She swallows with difficulty. Growing up. It's better than people calling her a child, saying she doesn't know what she's talking about... locking her away and shutting her up.

"Okay," she says, still with that smile forced on her face when really, really badly just wants to be with Josef again who treats her differently than anyone else, who takes her more seriously than anyone else ever has and probably ever will. Actually, she just wants to sleep for like two days straight. Somewhere she feels safe even if she shouldn't feel safe there, even if he's never promised her that.

God. It didn't hurt at all when she was so determined to escape and had that on her mind. It didn't hurt while she was lying in bed battling hunger pains and pointing at the plates to her father to show him, to show him how much control she has, how much determination. Everything's hurting now though. And she feels weak. Physically and emotionally. Suck it up, Elizabeth. You knew before you saw him again. You knew how he felt.

She takes Wes' hand, which is strong and huge in comparison to hers, and she might have preoccupied with staring at it. "Elizabeth Jules. It's nice to meet you even if I'm meeting you as I do a big, old escape from my dad's house."


tempered_scars December 13 2009, 08:03:43 UTC
Wes really, really wants to be in that bar on his fifth shot of tequila by now. His hands shake slightly after introductions are over, and he hides them in the pockets of his leather jacket. Stifles them inside the leather so they shake no more.

"At least it's memorable, right?" His smile is strained, and it never quite reaches his eyes. He doesn't want to linger on the fact this kid is leaving her father's roof.

Doesn't want to linger on the fact he can't bring himself to feel much of anything anymore, and the fight is easily drained from him. Before, he might have reacted very differently. Hefted her over his shoulder if he had to and thrown the front door down.

Wes is not that man right now, but a part of him still cares. And that's better than nothing at all.

"Just want to make sure ya get home safely, that's all."


pplrunincircles December 13 2009, 08:28:57 UTC
"Very true," Elizabeth says, and she's never been perceptive enough to tell peoples emotions but even she can see the strained nature of his smile.

She wants to ask but something stops her from doing so. They're strangers. It's not like everyone's willing to spill their life story to the first person they meet. She's not either really. There are some things she'll never say.

Her smile is more sincere this time. She wants to get home so badly but the man with the strong abs and big hand is being very nice to her. It's always nice to see that in this city where people insist is only filled with darkness. Everyday Elizabeth sees something happen that proves them all wrong. It brings enough lightness back to her chest that she can start to ramble again with that smile pulling helplessly across her lips as she walks beside him. Boy, he's tall. Taller than her dad, and she used to think he was the tallest person on the planet.

"Thank you. I appreciate that a lot though you know I'm totally capable of kicking serious patooty," she says. yes, she can fill up the silence so whatever's making his smile strained does not consume him as long as she's near... and rambling. "Usually I walk these streets all on my own. I took out a zombie once. A real, live- or well, I guess he was undead... zombie. I found a giant knife and I chopped off his head. Gosh, that's probably not the best story to tell while walking. Either way! He's dead... now. Dead dead though I guess he was already dead so he was no longer animated? Yes. I don't understand the specific technicalities of zombies. The point is that I was like Ash from Evil Dead without the boomstick."


tempered_scars December 13 2009, 19:27:08 UTC
Wes would not be okay with just letting her get home by herself, whatever the reason. If something happened to her on the way, and he isn't even sure how he'd find out about it but--Wes shakes his head. He can't save every young girl he meets. He can't even save his ward.

Ridding himself of his thoughts, Wes welcomes the distraction in the form of chatter. "Yer welcome. And I don't doubt you can take care of yerself. It's good ya know how to but since I'm already here I might as well join ya in yer walk, yeah? Just in case."

He snorts as she rambles about the zombie. "I don't mind the stories. Sounds like Chicago, all right. My first night back in a few months ago? Rift spit out some nasty monster. Don't know my mythology, so beats me what it was. I just know it had claws and ugly scales and was one big sonofagun."

"...I ain't ever seen that movie, but I trust she kicked serious patooty in it, too."


pplrunincircles December 13 2009, 22:36:45 UTC
Elizabeth would tell him that he can't control for everything and can't protect anyone from absolutely everything in the world. If he had said it out loud. Not that it would have reassured him but that's what she would have said. Just so everybody knows.

"Yep. Just in case. It doesn't hurt to have a man with abs of stone walking beside me. If nothing else, you'll scare off most of our foes with your ultra manliness, right?"

Often times Elizabeth just says words especially when she's as tired and lighteheaded as she is at the moment. Yes, she's insisting on using that as an excuse for acting the way she always does.

"Claws and ugly scales and big. See? You are like a serious BAMF. I don't usually curse and really the cursing in that is implied but I think that situation called for it. You and your abs of steel. Or stone. Or something very hard. Seriously do you work out like 10 times a day or something?"

Elizabeth laughs, glancing sideways at him. "You definitely have never seen it then. Ash is a bamf, too, just like you but with less in the ab region. And he's a dude with a big gun that he put in place of his hand which he had to chop off cause it got infected with zombie mojo. It's really hilarious. I highly recommend it, and after you watch it, you'll have to contact me with your thanks and your review. Obviously."


tempered_scars December 13 2009, 22:55:39 UTC
Oh, Elizabeth. She is wise. Wes would agree with her. The guilt simply would not ease in his heart. It will not go away for a very, very long time, if ever.

"They're not of stone," Wes says with another laugh. He is surprisingly humbled when his physique is pointed out to him. He knows he's good looking, Wes just doesn't think about it too much. He likes working hard. He likes pushing limits.

"Don't really work out the normal way?" he answers her in a genuine voice. His southern twang is thicker just now. "I like swimming. I run sometimes, work on bikes and other engines in my bike shop. Do all sorts of heavy lifting. Running on a tread mill and lifting weights would bore the heck outta me, honestly."

"I'll be sure to do that, then. The thanks and the review." His smirk turns into a confused little frown. "And BAMF means...?"

Sorry, Elizabeth. Wes is eighty and he is largely ignorant to what's 'hip' these days.


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