And the skin you call your home holds a heart that quits

Nov 09, 2009 17:21

((OOC: Sorry for all the new posts this one is necessary though. -_-))

Robin Rice has finally made it back to the hotel. It took longer than he anticipated but his brain isn't exactly functioning at its peak at the moment. He has a large bottle of pills to take two times a day. They make it difficult to care about much though he can still manage a vague level of concern and worry behind it all. They keep him exhausted, complacent, and under control. Yes, it would be a shame for Wyatt to lose all the money, effort, and time put into their time spent together. His research.

He wanders around the basement. He has people to see, to assure himself that they're still living, that Wyatt hasn't lied to him again. They're people he should see at least. He will see them. He needs to see them. He's shoved thoughts of Ruvin from his head because thinking that she's one that will never come back... it would be enough to push him over the edge, again, even in his current state of an endless emotional fog.

Elizabeth Jules sits on the steps of a church. It's in a bad part of the city but most of the buildings around it have been torn to the ground by the plagues. The church remains standing, intact, with little more than scorch marks to show for the past week. It's almost like evidence, not that she needs more, that good still exists in this world, and it's worth fighting for. Always. She still sees the good in Josef but she's sitting on the steps, silently asking forgiveness for his sins and her own like that would be enough to atone for anything at all.

It's a little cold. She still has to drag her winter coat out of the boxes at home but she hasn't been back since she made the decision to move out. A beautiful sound pours out and can be heard even on the other side of the closed doors though she can't understand the words. She'd step inside to be closer to the warmth and the love and hope that's so strong it's spilling out onto the street but just like her home and her school... she's not sure she belongs there anymore.

Martha Jones has been overseeing the cleaning of the Conrad hotel lobby. It's going to be at least a week before this place will get back into shape. After a moment, she takes a step outside and rests in the fresh air there. She needs to find Robin. She knows she saw Ruvin run away, but he hasn't been in the basement in a long time and that's worrying. Martha would rather not write an entry that will get no response.

And then there was an odd sound in an alleyway down by the Conrad. If there's a monster there, no way in hell is she letting it ruin her hotel after all the work she just put into it. Martha pulls out her gun and stays close to the wall as she heads toward the alley.

In the Kashtta Tower, Luke is out of his room and existing in the world like real people do. He's trying to boil water in a pot. It's not going so well. He is much more happy than he's been in a very long time however. Nothing like a flashback to the sex that made you into who you are and nearly dying for hours (that too) to make life seem much better.

JD is on the sidewalk. Happy. Totally oblivious to any and all destruction. In fact, if one gets close enough to him, any torn down buildings will magically reappear and not be torn down in the slightest. And then walk far enough past JD and the buildings are back to being rubble. Funny how that happens.

Danny Smalls dropped off a package of twizzlers at Phoebe's room when she was not there. He is stealthy like that. He is now beating the shit out of a punching bag. One of his arms is broken. This does not phase him.

martha jones, rachel dawes, josef soltini, medusa, wes gannon, danny smalls, elizabeth jules, desmond descant, francis barnam, dusty baker, amity mackenzie, robin rice, farley claymore, babel, luke roberts, phoebe donovan, john dorian (j.d.)

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