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quiettotheend October 26 2009, 06:00:10 UTC
Tabitha will not know how Air Bud: Seventh Inning Fetch ends because right during a critical scene, the television cuts out.

She frowns; the lights are still working just fine. She can't imagine why the power would shut off the television, but not the lights.

"Ugh," she says, frowning. "I'll go see if Mom'll let us finish the movie in her room. You need anything from the kitchen?" She pushes herself up from the couch, giving Elizabeth a smile.


pplrunincircles October 27 2009, 04:02:59 UTC
There is nothing like Air Bud movies to distract a person from the terrible going on around them. Elizabeth almost jumps when the TV randomly shuts off. It's like getting slapped out of fluffy, happy world where the worst thing that ever happens is someone thinking dogs aren't meant for sports.

"Uhm. Maybe some water or something to drink?" Elizabeth hops to her feet beside Tabitha and smiles at her, too. "I can go with."


quiettotheend October 27 2009, 22:12:55 UTC
"Well fine," Tabitha says, rolling her eyes at Elizabeth as she drags herself over to the kitchen. "I was trying to be all like, 'You're the guest and everything,' but if you ( ... )


pplrunincircles October 27 2009, 22:58:27 UTC
Elizabeth screams and jumps back when the glass breaks on the floor. Is that- It's not angel or demon blood. It's human. She can tell that much. She's seen them all.

She takes a step forward again, kneeling down by the blood to look at it. Why is it coming from the faucet? She stands and watches as it pours into the drain, reaching over to turn it off.

This is the time where words would be good but she's not sure what to say. Her hands start to shake. She looks from Tabitha to Tabitha's mom. There's a glass of what had been water on the counter as well but that's all thick and red now.

"This isn't- The water's blood."


quiettotheend October 27 2009, 23:13:16 UTC
Tabitha's still shaking, standing barefoot in a puddle of blood. She tries to tell herself time and time again that she's not going to cry, but she sinks to her knees, bile raising in her throat, and glass cutting into her legs. She manages to choke back the vomit once, but the second heave overwhelms her. And then she really starts crying. This is more than embarrassing.

Her mom pads back, not really able to handle with this situation right now, either. Black blood pools out into the red as the cuts on Tabitha's legs start to bleed, but not badly. Honestly, she doesn't even feel the pain.

"What's-- going on?" Tabitha asks, looking over her shoulder at Elizabeth and her mother. She coughs, wanting nothing more than being able to wash her mouth out. Get the taste of vomit out of her mouth. To take a shower and get it off her clothes.


pplrunincircles October 28 2009, 00:15:42 UTC
Elizabeth drops down next to Tabitha, careful to keep her knees out of the glass and blood and vomit. She puts her hand on Tabitha's shoulder.

"I don't know, but we'll figure it out, okay? Do you need help up? Maybe you should go lie down for a bit."

She gets to a stand but stays close to Tabitha. Her gaze keeps being drawn by the blood on the floor.

What is it? She has to get to her journal, figure this out, and go out to help people. There must be people dying out there who need her.


quiettotheend October 28 2009, 00:22:30 UTC
"I'm fine," Tabitha says, quite a bit snappier than she meant. She winces at that. Elizabeth's hands are so cold. That's the only reason she's pulling away. That, and she's pushing herself up, trying to focus. She still feels a little wobbly, but that's mostly from the fact that she just puked.

"I just need... something to wash my mouth out," she mumbles, opening the fridge. "And... then I'll clean up. And it'll be fine. Everything's gonna be. I'll be fine. I don't need to lie down. I'll be fine. Fine."


pplrunincircles October 28 2009, 00:31:50 UTC
Elizabeth nods though she looks unsure like she's not sure if she said the wrong thing or what so she stands watching Tabitha open the fridge. She folds her arms over her chest.

"I should... I should probably go," she says quietly, trying to remember where she left her journal.

On the couch? With her coat on the way in? One of the two. She'll find it.


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