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oncekittentits October 26 2009, 05:54:08 UTC
The lake is made of blood.

The lake is made of blood.

The scent is so heavy she can't help herself, especially considering how often she denies herself. Kittentits is dipping her fingers in the water, licking at them with fervor. She was so hungry. The whole city, the whole city smells of blood. It's driving her crazy.


designed2kill October 27 2009, 06:20:17 UTC
Luka is running near the lake. Despite the fact that the lake is made of blood, nothing will dissuade Luka from doing her training. She just won't shower afterward without testing the water in the Estates first.

And then she sees Kittentits. She stops. And stares. And stares some more. Kittentits is drinking blood. That's is so weird. So Luka stares some more. She doesn't do anything (much as she'd like to) so she's just going to stand here and stare for the moment.


oncekittentits October 27 2009, 22:05:57 UTC
Well, it's probably a good thing that Kittentits isn't noticing Luka. It's kind of hard to focus on much of anything when there's a giant lake of blood. Right there. It's so overwhelming it's fucking impossible to think of anything else. Ever.

Although she's not supposed to mess with Luka.

Even if she's the fucking bitch who had to go and fucking kill her friends.

This is what we call not fucking fair. But it does not matter. Not yet.


designed2kill October 27 2009, 23:58:33 UTC
Luka is still staring. Oh, how she'd love to go chop off Kittentits's head (and she made sure to bring a bigger knife), but orders were orders. No messing with Romeo's pet. Just--targets were targets. They were supposed to stay dead once you killed them. It was all very annoying.

"That's not sanitary, you know," Luka says.


oncekittentits October 28 2009, 00:02:33 UTC
Kittentits jolts at the sound of the voice, turning suddenly.

The expression on her face as she regards Luka is very much, "DO NOT WANT."

"Fucking tastes fine, you fucking bitch," she spits, licking her fingers clean and standing up. Just because she's not supposed to attack Luka doesn't mean she's going to be nice. "You fucking want some?"

She raises her eyebrows at Luka, not moving away from the lakefront.


designed2kill October 28 2009, 14:42:36 UTC
Luka glares back. "I didn't say anything about the taste. I said unsanitary, as in, will give you diseases, you fucking retard bitch. Not like I care if you get sick and die or anything. You should be dead already, you fucking freak of nature.

"You ever going to tell me what you are?"


oncekittentits October 28 2009, 16:05:22 UTC
The glaring going on here is getting to epic proportions.

"You fucking think I give a fucking shit if I get fucking sick and die?" Kittentits asks, licking her lips. It's taking quite a bit of willpower to not just turn on her heel and drown herself in that lake. It's all she can think of, putting gauze in her ears and a thickness in her brain. "Just like you fucking said-- I should be fucking dead already."

She takes a step back, her body language incredibly defensive. She doesn't trust Luka, and for good reason. "And why the fuck should I fucking tell you what the fuck I am?"


designed2kill October 28 2009, 21:08:59 UTC
"Well if you want to die so much, just do it already. I would just love to oblige you, but I have orders," she sneers. One gets the impression that one of the trainers talked a similar way to Luka at the Laboratory.

"Because I need to know. When you came back, you changed color. Were white, but now you're red, deep bloody red, just like the lake. Not bright red like the demons."


oncekittentits November 2 2009, 00:25:34 UTC
"Never fucking break your fucking orders do you?" Kittentits snaps. She really, really wants to break down and just rip into her. Or take the gun that Romeo had given her for being good and empty a clip in her. But she won't. No matter how much she wants to. Because Romeo would be rather displeased. So why can't Luka just go away now?

"Fucking good for me," she says about the changing of colors. She has actually figured out what Luka's talking about by this point, but hell if she's actually going to do anything for her.


designed2kill November 2 2009, 06:14:59 UTC
"Not if I want stay in one piece," Luka snaps. "Lucky for you." And oh, Luka would love to rip into Kittentits as well. She bought a knife after their last meeting, a long sharp knife perfect for cutting off limbs and slicing throats. Or she could use her gun to empty a clip directly into Kittentits's skull. Healing powers or not (and Kittentits must have them if she can talk again), it would be pretty hard to think if you had twenty pieces of lead embedded in your brain. Or better yet, and more likely at this distance, twenty tracks of shredded gray matter coupled with messy exit wounds. Kittentits's head would look like cheesecloth when Luka was done with it. All of the brain damage would give her an opportunity to carve Kittentits up into nice, tiny little pieces so that she stayed dead this time. This coming back to life thing was positively unnatural. She was paid to kill Kittentits, so she would make damn well sure that Kittentits stayed dead. Except she had orders not to, now. It was so frustrating ( ... )


oncekittentits November 10 2009, 20:40:27 UTC
"You think I fucking care if you talk to him?" Kittentits asks, frowning. Honestly, it's not Luka knowing what she is that bothers her. It's the actually admitting it to herself issue. As long as she doesn't have to say it, it's okay. Although, if she sat and thought about it, the fact that she's feasting on the lake... She doesn't want to think about that.

"I'm not his fucking keeper. Fuck, go ahead and talk to him. See if I fucking care."


designed2kill November 11 2009, 01:04:35 UTC
"Well fine, I will," Luka says. "Except I don't know where he is. Care to shed a little light on the subject?" She doesn't think Kittentits will rise to the bait, but it would certainly be nice if she did. It would be so much easier than asking Arlin about it. She'd really like to leave her personal conflicts out of her relations with Arlin.


oncekittentits November 14 2009, 15:35:31 UTC
"What the fuck makes you fucking thing I fucking know where he is?" Kittentits asks. "And, fuck, if I did, why the fuck would I fucking tell the person who fucking destroyed my fucking life? But I'm not my fucking master's keeper."

She would not mind if you left now, Luka. She really, really doesn't like you. She really, really wants to kill you. But beyond the physical impossibility of that, she's been told to play nice, which is so incredibly annoying. And it's easier to play nice when Luka's nowhere near her.


designed2kill November 14 2009, 21:29:13 UTC
"Didn't think so," Luka says. "Thought I'd ask anyway, to see if you could actually be useful for once."

Luka turns to go. "Don't get sick and die," she says as a parting shot. "If you're suddenly desperate to die, I'd much rather finish the job with my own two hands." And with that, she walks off.


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