I'll escape now, from that world... [introduction]

Aug 15, 2009 22:36

It's late, but there's still another new arrival washed on the river bank of the Hudson, soaked to the bone, unconscious, and wearing handcuffs.

At once, he coughs up about a pint of water and breathes deeply before rolling over and looking at the dark sky.

"Alors... je me suis enfui," he whispers to himself as he sees the awesome skyline of Chicago, not knowing particularly what it is he is seeing, but knowing for certain that it is not France.

"Est-ce que je damnés en enfer pour ma transgression?" He begins to laugh a desperate and jaded laugh, "Tellement soit-il. C'est le prix que je paie pour ma faiblesse."

He has never seen so many lights. He has never seen buildings so large or heard cities so loud. Is this really just the afterlife? "Ou... suis-je dans les limbes? Comment approprié. Toujours incertain. Incertain de qui je suis, ce que je suis, où je suis..."

He slowly gets up, which is hard enough with bound hands, particularly after nearly drowning to death.

"Si j'avais su que mes menottes serait viennent avec moi, peut-être j'aurais gardé la clé. Zut alors..."

metis snow, scout, annabelle martin

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